Draw on Blockchain : Chinese Culture Project EP4 Illustration (prelude) 樂筆詩塾第四期插圖(先行預覧)

Finished the coming episode of @ccp-hk project! This week topic about wine, a very important element in Chinese poem. And the poet is one of the most famous master. Almost all of us who had studied Chinese language at school should have read his poem! Recently I was a but frustrated and after reading this poem, I feel a bit relief.

剛完成了下期樂筆思塾的插圖(上星期傳送門) 。這期關於酒,而作者也是大家小學時都會讀的詩人呢!有種「終於要出場了」的感覺~最近有幾煩惱,但讀過這詩,也放開了一點,希望這種放開不是放棄而是積極的。

Draft 草稿
The present, the past and the future. The moon is watching us. In Chinese tale, there is a rabbit living on moon and making medicine. Moon rabbit

Filling color base 填上底色

If you compare with the cover image, you may find the scale and the position is different from the above. Because after I finished all colouring, I have a more interesting idea. So I do the composition again and if you would like to see the final picture, please visit @ccp-hk on this Thursday^^


Collaboration and order is welcomed.
Please leave me message or contact method under the post for detail.
Thank you for stopping by :)

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