Happy weekend comes! A sudden cold front weekend too. Last night, I had my regular Facebook checking [yes, I seldom roll Facebook now], one of my Taiwan friend message me and asking some recommendation of hotel location.
To be honest, I don't know local hotel things. Because I usually go home xD So, I told him, every where is not far and transportation time is not long compare with Kyoto/Japan. The mostly easy way to choose is staying close to the center area, different transports available like Mongkok or Causeway Bay... A irresponsibility recommendation.
We met in Kyoto, residents of guest house. We both lived in Japan for a while, he even had been in Hokkaido. Therefore, if he got used to the transport in these places, traveling in Hong Kong will never a problem. Both fee and time. (Not include the service quality and time accuracy)
A brave character person. He went to Japan without any Japaneses language knowledge. But never hesitate to speak and talk. And speak very well now.
寒流突襲的周末。昨天晚上例行巡察臉書,剛好一位台灣的朋友私訊問飯店的意見。啊... 我沒有留意,因為通常我都是回家的... 結果只能很不負責任地說如果想最方便出行的話,住在旺角或者銅鑼灣附近吧,不過對於你我來說香港到哪都不遠吧。
Tool: Pencil (draft) / Color pencil
Can't wait meeting him and let's message some other friends too:)