Draw on Blockchain : Have a walk 散步


In fact today was a rainy day x) Wet and cold. The coming week will become colder... Time for hotpot againnnnn! I want Japanese Shabushabu too~ The caption above is Japanese, means "The weather is nice, let's go for a walk!" Well, sounds good, right? For those who learn Japanese and had the JLPT test, it is a very familiar sentence because we listen to this sentence and check the equipment during the listening test. @@ Like in Hong Kong, all old CE and Alevel students are familiar to the Green Sleeves. A nightmare melody to many people xD

Any why did I suddenly think of the JLPT? Because I just watched the Coincheck press conference on Niconico...

其實今天下毛毛雨,又來濕冷。下星期也再冷一回,又是邊爐好時間~想食SHABUSHABU啊!上面的日語意思是「(今天)天氣好,去散個步吧」。好像很歡樂的感覺?但考過能力試的人來說,這句倒有點微妙xD 就在聽力部份,這句會無間回放來讓考生檢查收聽器。這重複到有點詭異的程度... 好像要把人引到不可知的空間去一樣。又像老一輩中學會考跟高考,聽到《綠袖子》時大概只會想到坐在禮堂裡預備開卷的情境一樣。好些人來說是惡夢吧。為何會想到日語能力試呢... 因為剛才我就在NICONICO看COINCHECK的記者會...

Outline in black and white 黑白原稿

draw by Clip Studio Paint

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