Draw on Blockchain : Moss Buddies 小苔玉

This is a character sketch of a team of hiking moss balls. It is inspired by a photo challenge : The Mundane Art Contest, by @kus-knee, and this round't theme is moss and lichen. I don't have photo in my hand now :( Besides the natural one, I like moss ball as a decoration of desk, it is lovely :)

這次零感來自一個STEEMIT的相片比賽,The Mundane Art Contest。不過我手上沒有青苔的照片啊,但還是很想來一張小苔球的角色速寫~ 小苔球真的好可愛,放在書桌/桌上氣氛立即活潑起來的感覺~

Let's join if you have a photo. 如果有照片可以參加玩玩看~
link: @kus-knee/the-old-dog-presents-the-mundane-as-art-round-nine-moss-and-lichen-20-steem-in-prizes

Outline in black and white 黑白原稿

Pencil sketch on paper → scan into computer → coloring in software by Wacom

鉛筆手繪於紙 → 掃描 → 用Wacom板一筆筆地上色

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