Draw on Blockchain + Science Blind Draw : Antibody

This is my answer of the Science Blind Draw project x) link. Haha, please ignore my cartoon face and stars on the drawing, if you had read my other post, you may find that I like this kind of pattern as background xDDD This time the topic is Antibody. I have know idea of this, and Biuiam gave a hint that "Antibody is a Y shaped protein than can bind to microbes". I can only say I even don't know what is microbes xDDD He told me it is microorganism...

I can only imagine some very ting things under microscope. The blue and pale green things are microbes. And I tried to draw a Y shape thing to bind them @@ The Y shape is also formed by much more tiny things which I don't know. This is my impression of all kind of cell like things. ... I don't know is it a total darkness in our body as it is covered by skin and no light inside the body, unless there is a strong light source like what we play with our thumb with torch.

這是給BIUIAM的SCIENCE BLIND DRAW的答案。請無視那些奇怪的笑臉和星星啦,如果有看我以前的帖,我都喜歡畫這些東西在背景上xDD 這次題目是ANTIBODY,因為原文只有英文,我也堅守不去GOOGLE所以只知道英文名字,而因為我真的一點也不知道它是甚麼。所以有一個提示:"Antibody is a Y shaped protein than can bind to microbes"。其實我連MICROBES也不知道是甚麼,就像用英文字典查字,在解釋裡又有一個不會的字@@ 結果再一個提示:MICROBES是MICROORGANISM。雖然還是不知道是啥,但好像比較看明白(哪裡有)。最後畫成了藍跟綠色的"MICROORGANISM",就是一般我對細胞之類的印象。然後Y型的ANTIBODY把它們連起來。而Y型是由一些小球球組成的,也是很一般生物科圖片的感覺@@ 而背景是黑黑的,因為覺得身體平常沒有光穿透,所以東西都是在黑暗中。

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Pervious Science Blind Draw

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