Draw on Blockchain : The Neon Night 霓虹燈之夜


Hello Steemian! Last night I read the post of Aaron link of telling a story of a city. Although the same city, everyone has a own story. I also imagined a city I never had been there. The next round's theme is NIGHT. About night, I think I have some story to tell. However, not in this post, haha. As I saw the topic, the first think came to my mind is this scene, a scene with typical neon light street view of Hong Kong. In the corner, a couple starring the street and smoking. They have some stories, but this moment is silent.

昨晚,在Aaron的帖子link 看到各得奬作品,每個人的城市故事都不一樣。熟識的地方,我看到不同的面貌;沒到過的地方,我在文章找到一點神韻。下一期的主題是《夜》,好像有些東西可以寫,再想一下。不過首先衝進我腦袋的,是這個非常典型的霓虹街景。角落站著一對有故事的情侶,靜靜地看著光影流動。

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I have to admit that I get this kind of street night stories from gangster movies. This area is complicated. The ambiguity energetic and lifeless, good and bad, normal and abnormal.



Have a nice day!


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