Drawing on Blockchain : Luban 魯班


Hello Steemian! I had this idea for almost a week since I read a news about Taobao's AI banner maker, Luban. link Sorry for Chinese only. Luban was Chinese ancient and the god of carpenter, engineer, and inventor, though according to the news, the name is inspired the pronunciation of roll sleeve and make banner in Mandarin.

I think Luban does very great job that seems save time and banners are in nice quality for such a giant size online shop with hundreds or thousands of promotions. It reminds me the old day making this kind of banner for web. Making different kind of promotion, movies, interviews, events, etc. There were a library but need human decision and put all together.

Once I was asked to make a loading bar by Flash for a page of the a website. I had no Flash and programming experience, but this was an order. I searched by google, found some templates and modified them to fit the requirement. It was a quite meaningless task because the page was not heavy and we almost had a high speed Internet. My colleague suggested me making a loading animation to fake him, don't waste time, genius😂

這個靈感來自於看到科技八掛網站的報導。內容是淘寶原來有一套叫魯班的AI來弄宣傳橫額。link 這太方便了有沒有!省力省時。不過也有點感概。

這令我想起以前有一次被上頭叫到,要為一個專欄頁面弄個「Flash loading bar」。這考起我了,我沒有Flash 或者寫碼的經驗,但被叫到只能找谷歌大神了。無意義地花了一堆時間,因為頁面沒很重型,而且我相信大部份的網絡也沒有弱到要load這麼久。同事也納悶了一句,不如弄個loading的動畫完他一個心願算了吧,太天才喇!😂

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I also reminds me, at that time, a senior editor taught me the skill of removing background. He was very proud of his skill. Doing steps like magic. And now, a button can does 70% of his "magic"...

AI replaces jobs and tasks, not a news any more and news of new tasks being replaced appear everyday. Just like those powerful Apps filters, changing a photo into a very nice artistic drawing.

AI with learning and creating ability, quite stressful to human, isn't it!? But I still want to see a "future world".





Have a nice day!


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