🤖Drawing on blockchain : Across the book world 遊走書中世界

Almost one week not updating draw with me section. Recently reading the third times of Norwegian Wood. In the past, girls might think which side they are, Midori or Naoko. Honestly, I felt the book was boring and read it because it is on the required reading list. The second time was a few years ago with a spark that wanted to read it again. With some more life experiences. Found it was touching my heart. And now, try to read it again but the original Japanese version. The original taste. Reading fiction is interesting. I can create my own world with the word. But my reading speed is very slow. Always back and forth between pages and forget the content quickly sometimes. Not complaining , if it is not an examination this is alright :P

上周的城市速寫之後都沒有更新繪畫的帖,今天來更新一下。最近在努力看《挪威的森林》。可惜是第三次,不然可以參加我的第一次比賽了...(說笑) 第一次是在大學時讀的,覺得很悶,但因為在閱讀清單上,唯有啃了它。女孩們都會想自己是直子還是綠。第二次在幾年前,突然想再看它一下,給它翻盤的機會。果然,感受甚深。這次想不如用原文讀一下,反正內容也是知道的,看看原文的力量。讀小說有趣的地方是可以自己想像故事的場景。(想起了看校對女孩,校對員會做小說場景的模型來檢查情節有沒有不合理的地方) 不過我讀文章慢,常常翻前翻後的,有時又會忘了前面的情節。不過只要不是考試,也不要緊的:P

Process 過程

The draft with pencil. 首先是鉛筆稿

The space background. I used sepia and payne grey.

Use warm color for the foregound large object.

And this time challenged by using sketch pencils. Making some floating stones.

Add more decorations.

The whole process. 過程連環圖

Youtube Process in 1 min

This time challenged abstract elements. I like this and may do more in the future. But I tend to draw in details or making noise. I do not like it so much... need a balance. Now I regret made it a bit noise@@ Thank you for reading, happy weekend~
這次挑戰了一些抽象的元素。很喜歡這畫法,將來也會繼續練習。但我有把畫面填滿的癖好,不太喜歡,要再精簡一些,現在畫面有點亂@@ 謝謝看到這裡,周末愉快~


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