Greeting to All Steemians
The development of Indonesia Steemit Community has been rapidly increasing. The content creators are also taking part on this platform. Amazingly, it does not stop at non-academic users, but it is continously undergoing to promote this platform to campus throughout steemit workshop. In fact, this program was the most welcome in educational field. It was started by conducting the workshop that was initiated by regional steemit Indonesia (Banda Aceh Steemit Community). The aim of the workshop was to introduce to Law Journalist Faculty Students about the performance of steemit. They interestedly participated in steemit workshop. The result, many of them straighly signed up as steemit users.
This workshop was conducted based on the official invitation from the University party to introduce to its students about this platform as current well-known media. The invitation was addressed to chairman @rismanrachman, and it was also accompanied by the leader of Regional Steemit Indonesia Chapter Banda Aceh @kemal13 and followed by other two steemians @orcheva and @fararizky.
In the workshop, @rismanrachman as keynote speaker explained about the blockchain and Steemit Platform in detail to participants.
The college students who attended the workshop were very enthusiastic upon the existence steemit as platform media based on blockchain. The enthusiasm was identified by asking many questions about the performance of steemit. @kemal13 took a part to answer their questions and followed by other Banda Aceh Steemians and they all together to break down all their questions in order to expect that Indonesia Steemit would grow rapidly in the future. After all, the workshop was also cherished by speaking out their spirit motto to HAHoe Pers Faculty upon the instruction of @rismanrachman.
This community program was kindly supported by @sndbox, and Indonesia Curators @levycore and @aiqabrago
I enclose the names of Banda Aceh Steemians (Indonesia Stemit Community) who participate to promote steemit to Banda Aceh Regional users.
Halo Steemian #indonesia
Salam Spirit !!!
Perkembangan Komunitas Steemit Indonesia dalam beberapa kurun waktu ini sangatlah pesat. Para penulis dan konten kreator turut berkecimpung di dalamnya.
Seiring berjalannya waktu beberapa teman diregional turut memperkenalkan Komunitas Steemit Indonesia di beberapa universitas. Salah satunya, promosi steemit yang dilakukan oleh para Steemian Regional Banda Aceh. Perkenalan Steemit dilakukan kepada para Mahasiswa Jurnalis Bagian Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala yang akrab disapa dengan UKM PERS HAHoe UNSYIAH.
Acara ini sesuai undangan dari salah satu panitia yang ditujukan kepada salah seorang CEO Media Berita yaitu @rismanrachman. Seminar ini juga dihadiri oleh Ketua Steemit Indonesia Regional Banda Aceh @kemal13 dan Steemian Chapter Banda Aceh @orcheva dan @fararizky.
Dalam seminar tersebut, @rismanrachman selaku CEO dari menjelaskan tentang Blockchain dan Media Steemit, penjelasan itu diberikan secara rinci untuk mempromosikan Steemit kepada para mahasiswa jurnalis hukum pers HAHoe Unsyiah.
Para mahasiswa tersebut sangat antusias dengan adanya media Steemit berbasis Blockchain ini. Antusiasme mereka pun diselingi dengan tanya jawab. Jawaban dari pertanyaan mereka dibantu oleh Steemian @kemal13. Sehingga acara yang dibuat semakin seru dengan adanya yel-yel spirit untuk UKM Pers HAHoe yang dicetuskan oleh saudara @rismanrachman. Penjelasan demi penjelasan pun dilakukan dalam menjawab seluruh pertanyaan dari para calon jurnalis tersebut. Dengan harapan, kedepannya para steemian khususnya untuk #indonesia semakin maju dan kreatif.
Komunitas ini di support oleh @sndbox, dan di bawah naungan dua orang kurator untuk Komunitas Steemit Indonesia @levycore dan @aiqabrago.
Berikut bentuk promosi yang dilakukan oleh para Steemian dari Komunitas Steemit Indonesia regional Banda Aceh :