So you want to be an InformationWar Activist? - Part One

This material has been resteemed from three months ago; I will be reposting the series in full while I work on an OSINT primer. There have been some changes to the original to keep the series index up to date

Two Paths

There are two paths you can take; direct action ( a term used by originated by and primarily used by leftist terrorists, but the connotations of illegality and potential violence make the term clear), or as a propagandist. Remember, propaganda does not mean lying; it means using information to present a point of view...while most people think of lies when they think of propaganda, the best propaganda has always been based on truth!

The Jester/ th3j35t3r is one example of "direct action" in play

I am NOT going to speak on how to follow the first path; I will not put myself or Steemit in a position of accountability for that information. Some of the initial prep remains the same.

I had a lot of information regarding this subject in my Zotero database that I later removed. The anonymity and other methods can be used by criminals or terrorists. See Removing some data from Zotero.

But we also have to remember that a lot of the regulations (look up the Three Felonies a Day meme, or ask in the comments) that have been put into play have been with the intent of making normal people into "criminals". It's almost as if the politicians wanted to arrest the taxpayer instead of the thief or the bomber!

Let's start

The first step is crucial: Decide if you want to put yourself and your family at risk. While I think that the risk of being a propagandist is minimal and becomes smaller with every additional propagandist, I'm not going to blow smoke up your ass, either. Remember the IRS targeted not just Tea Party organizations, but also Sarah Palin's father.

The second step is to decide how much distance you want to put between yourself and your activist persona; do it right and you mitigate a lot of retribution potential from the "bad guys". For me, I have been talking shit online since 2001, and almost every handle or website I have posted on has been connected to my real name. It's too late for me to do anything but continue on as I have been doing.

The third step is to go to a different town, and buy a laptop with at least 2 USB ports. Buy a few USB keys (min 8GB). Finally, but a wireless USB receiver or two. You are going to be using an OS called TAILS. If you know what you're doing, of course, use the linux anonymity distro of your choice. The upcoming version of TAILS requires a 64-bit system.

  • Pay cash
  • Do not carry your phone or tablet with you
  • Do not use your own vehicle if possible, get a ride or take the bus
  • Use a simple disguise (shave your head temporarily, wear a hat, dye your hair - which may take some time to fade, wear a different style of clothes, whatever)

The fourth step is to download and install TAILS

  • don't do this from a wireless address associated with you. be creative.
  • if there is a wireless receiver built into the laptop, disable it. you will use the USB key for connection.

The fifth step is to study how TAILS works, and what you can do with it.
TAILS - getting Started
TAILS - subreddit

The sixth step is to use a different wireless access point EVERY time you go online, and to NEVER use an IP associated with yourself. TOR can be cracked. Your ISP (home provider) can tell when you are using TOR...unless you use bridges

The seventh step is to further study operational security methods

That's it for today; you have a lot of reading to do. although I really suggest that you do any study on a laptop and an IP that is not associated with you.

The shadow government has demonstrated it will roll over any individual that gets in the way, and the internet lynch mobs of the left have done the same.

This series index:

So you want to be an InformationWar Activist? - Part One (UPDATED)
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Two, Morality
How to be an InformationWar Activist, Part Three: Is the Information War Winnable?
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Four: What the heck IS Information War?
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Five: The American Deep State
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Six: The Personal Price
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Seven: Who Might The Players be?
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Eight: Making Sense of Multiple Levels of Corruption

Steemit writers contributing to understanding the Information War

@phibetaiota - Information War, OSINT
@krnel - Critical Thinking/Cognitive Bias
@dwinblood - Critical Thinking
@rebelskum -

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