The Gate is Down - What is the End Goal of Information War?

I won't keep you guessing. The phrase, the gate is down, comes from Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game. It means to win by the simplest means available.

Now for those of you that are not scifi fans, here's another quote from history

I took the Canal Zone and let Congress debate; and while the debate goes on, the canal does also.
/Theodore Roosevelt

Not a Teddy fan, either?

How about Alexander the Great cutting the Gordian Knot?

The point I'm driving at is that you get to the damn point. You win by doing the simplest thing that works

We all have conspiracy theories.

Obviously, something is extremely wrong with out government, and has been for a long time. We can debate about exactly when that was, or who caused it, all day long; and we all have theories based on our knowledge and previous experience in life.

However, none of that debate matters when we have an open enemy in our sights.

Right now, we have Clinton, probably the greatest example of deep state/leftist/globalist corruption, in our cross hairs.

Take her and her DOJ/FBI sycophants down, and you'll rip a gaping hole in the deep state, you'll be able to squeeze (interrogate or deal) them all and perhaps expose some of the darker conspiracies. In my study of terror organizations and cartels, it became known to me that everybody breaks. Most people sell out their comrades in a heartbeat unless they are extremely committed to their cause. We've already talked about kakistocracy and corruptocracy(Part 2); these people will turn on each other in a heartbeat.

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Whats even better? We can do this legally and civilly. They thought they could get away with it and didn't reckon on the American people. Take a minute and search for Clinton crime or FBI sedition; despite the Ministry of Truth antics of Google and the rest of them, the facts are there. True, a good part of the country wont open their eyes, but we don't need a majority.

We only need enough people (and I think we are already there, or very close to it) to convince the politicians that they are better off enforcing the rule of law than dealing with an armed populace that feels cheated and tyrannized.

So, what is the best way to hurt the Deep State right now?

Focus on the easily proved things, the things that a lot of people already agree with but don't want to say out loud. Focus on the things tied into events that already piss off the public. Focus on the things a person will demand once they hear one more person demand it.

Face it, we are herd animals, not pack animals. We follow the "cool" cow. We are easily misled by propaganda. Use that impulse for something that is right.


Various conspiracies may or may not be true. I could be wrong on my judgement on the validity of some theories. One of these posts, I'll go over them so you know my biases.

But my point is this; we know that the term"conspiracy nut" was used as a propaganda to silence political opposition: if you spend your resources (time and energy) trying to sell a conspiracy that a person already has negative reactions to, you have wasted your time and you have discredited doesn't matter if you're right or not.

And the problem with many conspiracies is that there isn't enough proof to convince people. Again, it doesn't matter if you're right or not if you can't sell the story. Folks may get annoyed with me that I suggest the use of propaganda tactics...but the reason they are used is because they are effective. If you wanna charge a machine nest with a rock (metaphorically speaking), be my guest.

Also, it is unnecessary to prove some conspiracies to prove the point. People know the government is cheating them on immigration...they know that the left uses identity politics against them...they know that something was holding the economy back in the Bush/Obama years. When you want action, it isn't necessary to explain why somebody is doing something wrong as long as people see the wrong action clearly.

Are they corrupt? Are they incompetents? Is it a conspiracy? Are they cowards?
Who cares! Just fix the problem. The politicians are the go-to point. They are on the hook for the decisions no matter what orders ANYONE else gives them.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president and nine Supreme Court justices — 545 human beings out of the 235 million — are directly, legally, morally and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.
The 545 problem

The gate is Down

Take the easy target, and use that to gather evidence to prove what you feel the need to prove. Example:
Would you let Clinton take a light sentence for her crimes if she exposed the Podestas, with proof, for their activities?

But you don't get to make that decision unless she is caught. She won't be caught unless you give the rest of the pols a reason to do so.

She's guilty, and we can prove it. All we have to do is make in the politicians' best interests to do their job. They aren't going to do the right thing just because it's their job.

Now if you think that every single politician and every single cop is corrupt, I feel for you. It would suck to live in that much fear and hate. You may even be right.

On the other hand, even corrupt politicians and cops will do the right thing if it benefits them.

Provide the carrot (public demand) and the stick (III%), and the animal will react correctly. That's what the corruptocrats have spent over a century formulating. That's what the corruptocrats have proven works. Use it against them.

A possible problem

The possibility exists that these particular corruptocrats are being sacrificed to cover up others. That is a valid concern.

And it is why we demand full disclosure at every turn.
"We'll release the memo in 19 working days!"...Why not release it now?
"There is another suspect in the Mandalay Bay shooting"...Who is it, and what does he have to do with the motive

Every time they deflect or hide their answers, that carrot turns into a stick a little more.

And that is another are responsible for keeping those greedy 545 politicians in line; the magical (anarchist, socialist, minarchist, libertarian) faerie aint gonna do it for you. The farther you let him slip off the leash, the harder it is to put him back on.

A preemptive argument

Which of the following methods looks more effective?

1)Demand legal, specific action1)Argue with people over something they don't believe in
2)Make it clear that tolerance for corruption is no longer on the table2)Call them a shill for arguing with you
3)Support others with that same message3)Move to the next person
4)Build on that with additional evidence4)They agree with you
5)Grab the next link in the chain5)Move to the next person
6)Stay focused6) Move to Step 1 and repeat

I'm not gonna argue with you if you want to comment that it's all kabuki theatre, or if you think I'm ignoring the truth.

Feel free to leave a comment, but if I think I'd argue with it, I probably won't comment at all.

It's a waste of time to argue with dogma when there is work to do against specific targets

Let me leave on a friendlier note

Thanks for reading all the way, even if it offended you; have a great night!

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