Gods Influences on making someone successful - What's your thoughts ?

This is my entry for #innervoice contest of @steemflow . Inner Voice is certainly a great idea, and I am sure it will result in great engagements with the community. I recommend every one to participate in the contest because you can express yourself this way. In this digital world, we hardly get any time to express our feelings. I still remember my old days, where we would spend hours along with friends discussing about variety of topics, and believe me, I really miss those times. So this contest would augment those moments by allowing me to express myself.

So to begin with, is this a religious debate ? When we talk about God, is it based on some religion ?

No, we are not talking about religion. Its about our belief, which has very powerful impact on our life. Even Medical Science agrees to it. And it has been proven as well by many. If you believe in something, then it brings positive vibes for you and reflects that in the result to your hard work or anything you do in life. So do you believe that Gods Influences is needed in making someone successful ?

I believe God influence those, who can create influence for themselves. In my own belief, God is not a substance of influencing any of our achievement and all our achievements are results of our own work. Because, God lies within us.

If you cannot see God in humans then you better not believe in God. And if you see God between us, then you find divinity. All the material achievements has little importance in front of you. Because they are temporary. Our life is just a relativity of time. As time passes, your achievements in different stages of life has different meanings. So the very definition of being successful changes over time. So if you really believe in God, and find him in humanity then you are always successful.

In my own definition, if you are living a meaningful life, then you are success. And you and only you can lay down the boundaries, no one else. And if your boundaries are achieved , then you are living a meaningful life and success.

So your influence has more weight than God's influence. Because your influence decides the scale of being successful. And if you are able to influence yourself to set aside an achievable measure of succession, then you will feel God is with you and influencing your influence.

Its all in your vision. What do you say ? Come , express yourself.

Inner Voice.png

The image is my own image. Thank you @steemflow for bringing this contest, that made me write something after some gap.

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