My Rules For Creating The Future

We have officially reached the Winter Solstice!

It's the darkest day of the year for much of the western world.

It’s also the perfect day to shed light on a bright new future ahead!

Ben White @benwhitephotography

Now, when I think about my future, I have a few rules about how I think about it.

These rules are basically like Fight Club rules...

Except they don’t involve much fighting...

And it’s not really a club (it’s just me).

My Rules For Creating The Future

The first rule of my future is...

Anything is possible

Dino Reichmuth @dinoreichmuth

The second rule of my future is...

Anything is possible

Avi Richards @avirichards

The third rule of my future is...

If I can see it, feel it, and hear it within me, then I can create it.

feel it.jpeg
Brooke Cagle @brookecagle

The fourth rule of my future is...

My past can influence my future, but it does not control it.

Jake weirick @weirick

My fifth rule is…

Every thought I focus on now, is a vote for my future.

Amy Treasure @amytreasure

My sixth rule is…

I am always capable of living the highest version of myself.

Raj Eiamworakul @roadtripwithraj

Curating Your Limitless Self

These rules largely revolve around the concept that we are infinitely capable.

That anything is possible and as long as you can think it and feel it... you can become it.

No matter what your circumstances are, you can step into who you want to be... right now.

It doesn't have to be five years from now, it doesn’t have to be in a year, it doesn’t have to be tomorrow.

You can begin to operate as the highest version of yourself, right now.

Brad Barmore @bradbarmore

Now you may be saying…

“axios, anyone can say that but it’s a much different thing to actually do it.”

Okay sure, some people talk a lot about what they want in their life rather than actually doing it.

Yes, there’s a lot of people who don't walk their talk.

However, I’m not here to suggest that you should just throw out willy nilly dreams without acting on them.

What I’m saying is this…

We often limit ourselves from the start.

Too often we count ourselves out because maybe we have limited resources, great responsibilities, a list of failures, or a fear of change.

We focus so much on where we have been that we let that dictate where we will go next.

Samuel Scrimshaw @samscrim

What if you, for one moment, pretended as though none of those limitations really mattered?

What if you pretended that there were no limitations on who you could become?

What if you imagined for just a moment that the truest desires that dwell within you are totally and completely possible?

What would that feel like for you?

Can you imagine what your life would be like if you were truly living the highest possible version of yourself?

Can you see how different your life would be if you could be anything you wanted to be?

What would your inner voice be saying if you were excited about who you were becoming?

It All Begins With A Thought

We are the cumulative expression of our thoughts.

If you break it all down to the smallest units of who you are, you will see that it was thought after thought after thought that has created your current identity.

It was a series of thoughts that led to a series of feelings and then a series of actions that made your life, a reality.

The beginning of that reality loop - your thoughts - is extremely important.

Léa Dubedout @leadbt

When we forget to acknowledge that our thoughts are ultimately what govern our emotions and our body, then we give up our power to other entities that DO know that.

We see this all the time in the world of advertising.

Advertisers understand the power of thoughts.

For if you can condition someone to think something in a particular way, they will eventually act upon it.

It's so important to embrace this knowledge because it literally will dictate whether or not you are capable of becoming who you want to become.

If you are not willing to take control of your thoughts, then it will be impossible to take the necessary steps forward into the direction of your greatest self.

The possibilities are endless

Here's the thing though:

I'm not here to tell you what is possible and what is impossible...

Because ANYTHING is possible and ANYTHING is impossible.

Yoann Boyer @yoannboyer

You decide that for yourself.

The world around you may try to define for you what is impossible and what is not, but in the end…

You choose.

You choose whether or not you will live a life that is brilliant and mind blowingly gorgeous.

You choose whether or not you will live a life that is abundant and full of opportunity.

You choose whether or not you will make a profound difference in this world.

Realizing this for yourself and truly embracing it is a great responsibility because you realize that every thought really does truly matter.

Vote For Your Future

I like to compare the act of focusing, to the act of voting.

Every time you have a thought you are literally voting for the future of who you are becoming.

Lina Trochez @lmtrochezz

Have you ever thought about it like that?

When you focus on a thought about what how anxious you are, you are voting for fear.

When you focus on a thought about why you are not enough, you are voting for limitation.

When you focus on a thought about what you are lacking, you are voting for scarcity.

If you were to stop what you’re doing right now...and were to honestly ask yourself,

“Do I want to vote this way?”

What would your answer be?

Obviously it would be no!

Today and moving forward, vote differently.

For when you focus on what love in your life, you are voting for passion.

When you focus on what you are grateful for in your life, you are voting for abundance.

When you focus on what excites you, you are voting for joy.

When you focus on what is positive, you are voting for opportunity.

When you focus on what is growing, you are voting for expansion.

We can focus in so many ways.

The thoughts and feelings that result from our focus, are literally the votes that either persuade or dissuade the president of our life (the body) to execute those decisions.

Will You Live The Highest Version Of Yourself?

Choosing to live a higher version of ourselves requires a vigilant focus.

It requires us to remind ourselves every day of who we really are.

Too often we remind ourselves of what we aren't, or what we can't be, or what we are failing to be...

In the end, we have final say and the ultimate influence on who we will become.

Thought Catalog @thoughtcatalog

The world around us can influence us but we always will have the final say.

For we choose what we believe and we vote for the future of who we are.

So remember...

Anything is possible.

The past does not define you!

If you can think it and feel it, that means you can create it.

What you focus on now is your vote for the future.

And you are capable of living your greatest self…

Right now!

I wish you an amazing and thought-inspired Winter Solstice!

Focus on who you truly want to be today, tomorrow, and in the days to come.

And remember the first rule of the future...

Anything is possible!

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