Do The Little Things In Life Really Matter?

"It's the little things in life that matter."

This morning as I was reading through a variety of Steemit posts within the community, I started to notice, post after post, that there was a very clear theme emerging...

Zoltan Tasi @zoltantasi

As I read the beautiful stories, the inspiring thoughts, and the expansive visions of the future, the one idea that kept ringing true in each post was... simply put:

“Life is about the little things.”

I thought to myself...

"Hmm, yes I agree with that. Life is about the little things."

And then my next thought quickly stepped in...

"But wait a moment... why do I even believe that?"

And thus I was then inspired to ask myself,

What does this really even mean?

Why do the little things really matter?


How can something that is small truly make a big difference?

My First Thought

When I first thought about little things having a big impact, the first example that came to mind were my thoughts.

A thought is such a small thing.

Jeremy Bishop @tentides

To have a thought, is the simplest thing we can do with our mind.

It requires very little effort.

A thought is barely anything.

And yet we have an estimated 50,000 to 70,000 of them each day.

That’s 35 to 48 thoughts per minute!

With such an incredible influx of information each moment, there's no way that we could ever truly comprehend all the thoughts that we are having.

In order for our mind to cope, we filter out the majority of these thoughts, while focusing on just a few.

I'm not sure how many of you practice the ritual of mantras, but whether or not you consciously practice this ritual, mantras are a big part of how our brain operates.

One thought becomes our perpetual mantra.

Let me explain...

The Evolution Of A Thought

It starts with thoughts (thousands of them), and those thoughts are filtered down to just a few.

Those few thoughts become the concepts, ideas, and stories that we focus on.

The more we dwell upon these specific thoughts, the bigger those thoughts grow.

Christian Joudrey @cjoudrey

The more we focus on these thoughts, the more energy we invest into them.

Imagine it like a simple Steemit post that attracts upvotes and grows from a simple thought, to a collective of supporting thoughts, which in turn, represents significant value. That one post, which was seemingly nothing and represented zero value at first, is now widely exposed and highly valuable.

A simple thought, gains energy as we focus in on it

This energy, is emotion.

E-motion IS energy in motion.

As we focus on a simple thought more and more, it builds into something that is more than just a thought...

It becomes a feeling.

Dawid Sobolewski @buzzyrobot

That feeling soon becomes something more than just something we sense on a visceral level...

It becomes something that inspires movement.

And thus, that simple thought, the very small tiny little thought which was born out of a stream of thousands of thoughts, becomes something that actually moves our body.

When we think, a new reality is born

As I think about the concept of a thought, turning into an idea, which moves us and eventually becomes something much bigger, I can’t help but relate it to the concept of sex.

When we have sex for the purpose of creation, millions of sperm cells course through the body, where one sperm out of millions, enters an egg and suddenly life is born.

I believe our thoughts act in a similar manner.

Once a thought impregnates our emotional state, we being to change.

Our body begins to move!

Anthony Ginsbrook @aginsbrook

It is this movement that sets forth a wave of much greater movement.

And it is this movement, that changes everything…

For as we move…

We discover inspiration to try new things that we had never considered before.

Bobby Burch @bobbburch

As we move…

We embrace the courage to express the truth of who we are.

Eddie Kopp @fiveohfilms

As we move…

We embody the confidence to explore and expand upon new potent ideas.

idea.jpg @rawpixel

As we move…

We delight in the joy of creating beautiful new works of art.

Tim Mossholder @timmossholder

As we move…

We cultivate the power to build new lives based in conscious choices.

NeONBRAND @neonbrand

As we move…

We source the intelligence to build expansive systems that sustain us.


As we move…

We attract global support to build new communities that nourish us.

Helena Lopes @wildlittlethingsphoto

As we move…

We accept the commitment required to build a new thriving world...

Antonio Lainez @antoniolainez

As we move…

We transform the very fabric of who we are, into something truly magical.

gn dim @gn

And it all began…

Because of how we moved.

And how we moved began...

Because of how we felt.

And how we felt began...

Because of how we thought...

And that one thought,

is so simple.

Life is a culmination of the simple things.

And that's why it's the little things in life...

that matter.

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