The Pleasure In Going Straight Towards The Pain


"WOW... this actually feels surprisingly good..."

Exclaimed the voice inside my mind.

This morning I surprised myself.

I decided to take another super cold shower, but this time, instead of trying to avoid the inevitable sense of pain and discomfort, I invited it in.

The second I jumped into the shower, I started dancing and singing, and within three seconds I realized that I was completely fine.

Then thirty seconds past and I realized I had completely transcended the pain altogether.

As I stood there, bare naked with my shower set to its coldest possible setting, I felt warm.

When I finished my shower and stepped out to dry off, I started to realize the importance of this experience.


I realized the the power of going straight towards the pain.

I realized that pain is actually a figment of my mind, and that often times the discomfort that I'm experiencing isn't actually discomfort at all - it's an illusion of my mind.

For when I chose to just fully embrace what I was experiencing (the cold), I suddenly flipped the script... I was warm!

Going Straight Towards The Pain

On this Steemit channel, you'll quickly learn that I'm here to share with you the raw truth.

I'm not here to bullshit you or sell you some fairy tale.

I'm here to be honest, sincere about my true struggles, and to show you how I cope, because I'm constantly uncomfortable and I'm constantly in pain.

Why am I uncomfortable and in pain?

Simply put:

I am constantly choosing to face death in exchange for life.


In my opinion, this is the only way to truly live.

Sadly, there are many who often sacrifice life for death.

I personally cannot and will not tolerate the latter (living for death).

With such an extraordinary opportunity to live on planet Earth, why would I ever choose to waste it?

The fact is, we must be willing to constantly die if we want to live.

We must be willing to constantly let go of things if we want to live.

We must be willing to sacrifice our greatest sense of comfort and stability for something that is of the utmost value...


What Pain Do You Need To Go Straight Towards?

Over the past few years, my family alongside myself have been going through some serious financial struggles.

At this point in my life, it's heightened to the highest of highs.

I'm not going to go into the details of that now but you can learn more about that situation as I recently shared a bit more about that story here.

Currently, I feel this deep sense of discomfort and uncertainty overwhelm my reality.

The pain is very much there and I have two choices:

I can try to avoid it and essentially let my mind continue to build on the illusion, build on the fear, the pains, the imagined discomforts of what it thinks this situation really is.


I can continue moving straight towards my pain, my fears, my discomforts and embrace them fully.

As with my shower experience, it has become incredibly obvious to me that choosing the latter option is far more enjoyable.


Stepping into the cold shower of life with energy, excitement, conviction, and courage is incredibly empowering.

Sure, there's an initial shock, but that shock quickly subsides as the pain melts away and you experience the truth:

You are more capable, comfortable, and powerful than you ever thought possible.

"All Fear Is Illusion, Walk Straight Ahead."

I repeat this quote often, simply because it's one of the only quotes that actually made a difference for me.

Much of what we experience in our reality is not real.

It's a figment of our own creation.

Much of what we think is fear, is self-created.

Much of what we think is painful, is self-inflicted.

Much of what we think is uncomfortable, is merely a self-endowment - a choice to be uncomfortable.

When we choose to embrace pain, fear, and discomfort, we quickly realize that these things are not what they seem.

For when we embrace them, we discover the love, pleasures, and life-giving comforts that dwell within them.

Where is the cold shower in your life?

Will you embrace it?

Will you go straight towards it?

Will you fully immerse yourself in it?


For if you do, I promise you... it will not be anything you thought it was...

And what was once perceived as death has transformed...

...into a profound sense of life.

Want to get more in depth with this idea? Watch my video explanation.

Warning: I do not censor myself. Real and raw is how I prefer to present myself on this channel. Transparency is important to me, as it is on Steemit.

Here's To Choosing Life!

What cold showers of life do you need to face? How will you dive in!?

I want to know! Share your thoughts with me in the comments below :)

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