Steemit DISCOVERIES with @axios [EP 3]: Steemians Worth Following!


AHOY fellow Steemian friends!

Welcome to our THIRD EPISODE of @axios discoveries, a community-driven post that showcases some of Steemit's most valuable, supportive, and entertaining creators and curators here on Steemit!

I believe that Steemit is literally creating the future of social media as we speak. The beauty is that although the function of the platform is incredibly unique, it's actually the community that is creating and encoding its future.

While this may seem like the obvious function of a social network, in my opinion, it's not quite like anything we've seen on Facebook, YouTube, or any other mainstream platform alike.

The other day I had this realization that Steemit is actually a Community-Engineered Social Network. While Steemit is a powerful beta-platform, it's actually providing a space for individuals from around the world to come together, create value with each other, to create new platforms and functions that serve the virtual and real world realms as a whole!

Finally we have a place where developers, creators, artists, visionaries, teachers, leaders, innovators, and many more, can come together to share, collaborate, and grow together.


In this episode, I seek to share some of that value with you today with hopes that I shine light on some powerful new Steemians that you've never heard of!

With that being said, we've got a lot of fantastic content to share in this episode, so let's get straight to it!

Most Entertaining Steemian: @maneki-neko

@maneki-neko is one of my favorite newly discovered creators here on Steemit. He's an "island boy" from Hawaii who is currently making his rounds in Tokyo, exploring the city and sharing his unique experiences.

One thing that I'd love to see more of on Steemit is comedic content and @maneki-neko's channel most definitely embodies that.

He keeps it fun, informative, and entertaining with his recent video that showcases some of Steemit's best tracking and analytical tools while simultaneously expressing his love for @ginabot lol.

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I'm also a big fan of @maneki-neko's life vlogs. Lately he's been sharing interesting stories about his experiences in Tokyo... like running into a real life Mario Kart race at a stop sign:

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In my opinion, @maneki-neko is just getting started. Follow his rapidly growing channel today and remember... "The Fortune Cat Beckons You!"

Best Steemit Promoter: @artakush

@artakush is... well... he's @artakush. There really isn't any other way to describe him. The guy is like a blast of celebratory confetti in human form.

I got a chance to web chat with him on a recent @dtubedaily virtual meetup where he lit up the call with a spontaneous montage of singing, dance, and laughter. Very much similar to his recent "Unintentional Intentionally Unintended Steemit Promo song.

Speaking of promotions, @artakush has been on fire with his recent Steemit promotional vids. His "Unintentional Promotion #3 Prank" recently went viral. It's simply hilarious and a genius marketing approach...

If you're looking for a Steemian who is upbeat, positive, and a ton of fun - then @artakush is the man to follow!

Best Steemit Community: @dtubedaily

Now @maneki-neko and @artakush are very different in nature, but they have one core thing in common. What is that you ask? Well, it's the @dtubedaily community of course!

Looking for a reason to film more on Well, look no further than the @dtubedaily clan.

Boy oh boy, this group is popping with energy, friendship, and a whole lot of love! I joined this group last week and have never felt such a welcoming and supportive vibe!

Inspired by Winny AKA @myndnow, this discord community has quickly grown into a staple platform on Steemit and In a recent virtual meetup, we collaborated with about 20+ other Steemians and d.tuber's to plan out the future of @dtubedaily by focusing on ways that we could add value to the @steemit and @dtube platform.

@flauwy, a highly active, supportive, and creative developer on the Steemit blockchain, inspired us all with the possibilities of the future to create a specific @dtubedaily platform via @utopian-io!

All in all, if you film content daily and you're looking for a positive community to run with, then @dtubedaily is the place to be! Reach out to Winny to request an invite to join!

I Got Your Back Award: @gric

Earlier this week I read this incredible story about this girl (@muniba) who had gone through a myriad of trials and tribulations to get to where she was today, one of Pakistan's most inspiring public figures.

Shortly after I had commented on her Steemit channel and welcomed her to the community, I received a reply from @gric who shared this:

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@gric had done his researched and discovered that this was indeed a fake account and that @muniba was not the owner of it. Within a few days the posts were downvoted and disposed into the Steemit void as they rightfully should be!

I decided to check out @gric's channel as I wanted to know more about his deal as it was obvious that he truly does care about this community. Long story short... I was blown away by what I discovered.

@gric is a highly talented visual artist and painter. Check out his his recent painting from his Gynoid series and you'll see it for yourself!

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Here's another within the Gynoid series where he shares the creation process...

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Oh and lets not forget about his epic drone video that showcases the beautiful Hohe Wand Plateau in Lower Austria. Be sure to check out the full version here.

@gric truly is a valuable Steemian, an inspiring creator, and most definitely worth a follow!

Most Proactive Steemian: @ethandsmith

I discovered @ethandsmith through my positive and supportive experience with @thesteemengine, a Discord group community of hard-working Steemians that focuses on providing quality engagement across its members' posts.

@ethandsmith engineered @thesteemengine alongside @HopeHuggs, @catweasel, @enchantedspirit, and @apanamamama and the platform has shown itself to be a very positive and well-organized addition to the Steemit community.


After meeting @ethandsmith, I followed an inspiring sequence of posts where he sought to crowdfund wobble chairs for his wife's third grade students:

In his post he stated:

Funding education in the United States is very political. Each state's government is in charge of education funding, and depending on the state, this may further be delegated to individual county school systems. Education-related expenses are where the majority of property tax dollars in my local county go, but without a large increase in taxes, it seems like there are fewer and fewer dollars to go around. What if the blockchain can change that?"

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Long story short, @ethandsmith was able to fully fund his wobble chair project as he meticulously outlines his actions and how he transferred the Steem and made the purchase.

"In the future, I plan to have a blog series dedicated to funding a project from, whether it is one from my wife's classroom or not, I believe we can show teachers in the United States the power of the STEEM Blockchain."

I was inspired by @ethandsmith's proactive and forward-thinking mentality as he demonstrates the potent power that this platform has to offer the world. This is clearly just the beginning of many more exciting and supportive projects to come.

If you wish to support him further, follow his channel and upvote his recent post where he's accepting upvotes and donations for his second project and projects to come!

Most Supportive Steemian: @cabernet

@cabernet AKAK Reez is someone that I've been wanting to mention on here, and this week it's become pretty clear to me that she absolutely deserves recognition.

Formerly residing in Nepal, @cabernet is US-based Steemian who shares interesting content in the realms of culture, health/fitness, and inspiration/motivation.

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I share her here today because she's a constant presence on my blog who is always sharing valuable and supportive comments. I really appreciated her last comment after my recent post about my financial situation. It honestly helped me tremendously after sharing a post that made me feel quite vulnerable and uncomfortable. She was there to show support in a time when I truly needed it.

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If you check out her channel, you can see that she is constantly resteeming other Steemians' content and upvoting their comments along the way. I really appreciate her approach here and feel she adds a ton of value to the Steemit community.

So if you're looking to get in shape, learn about new cultures, or just find a sense of inspiration along the way - be sure to follow @cabernet!

Most Dreamy Steemian: @aprilangel

Have a crazy dream lately? Yeah? Well then you need to know about @aprilangel!

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@aprilangel is another Steemian that I've been meaning to promote on here. She presents herself as a dream analyst and if you check out her Steemit channel, you'll find a wealth of information regarding just that!

I've really enjoyed my interactions with @aprilangel as she is clearly here to help and engage with the community. She shares a lot about different dream symbols and what they could mean for you. @aprilangel also analyzes other Steemian's dreams, as she did my own!

As you'll read, I had a creepy dream about a tarantula crawling up my leg - eek!


Oh... and did I mention that she's a talented and beautifully eloquent musical artist?

Her song "Turtle Dove" is something we can probably all relate to... "You suck at love" is one of the main verses, and I thoroughly enjoyed the songs bluntly beautiful truth :P

@aprilangel is a wonderful presence here on Steemit and a creator/curator who deserves recognition! Go check her channel out today!

Steemit Is Modeling The Future Of Social Media

With so much value being added to this platform every single day, @steemit is quickly becoming the model platform for the future of crypto-based social networks.

Bottom line, we're already here and doing it, and the more we are here collaborating, learning, and growing with each other, the stronger we will become.

I'm extremely grateful for being a part of this community, and I'm so excited for what may come!

Signing out for now...

Much love.


Who was your favorite Steemian listed above? I want to know! Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Thanks For Stopping By :)


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