This One Question Could Change Everything For You...


I'm a huge fan of questions.


Because questions induce answers.

And if we looked at this more linguistically...

The word question can be broken down to "quest-ion"...

Or more specifically, the words "quest" and "ion."

A quest is defined as a "search for something."

An ion is defined as "an atom or molecule with a net electric charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons."

Or more simply put, an ion is the movement that exists within us that makes up the fabric of our very existence...


Lets take a step back real quick...

Because the intention of this post is not to pick apart words and apply meaning to them.

Instead, it's actually about creating meaning for yourself.

I bring up the concept of a question or quest-ion simply because of this mere fact:

Questions lead to the search and movement towards understanding more of who we are.

Ask the right question and you could open up a world of possibilities...


Thus, I have a question for you...

The purpose of this question is to call forth a wonderful and profound part of your being that is ready to move.

If you were to inspire something wonderful and profound into your life right now, would you like that?

If your answer is yes, then take a deep breath right now.

Sit back, relax your eyes, and allow this question to merge with your mind.

Are you ready?

Here it comes...

What decision could you make right now, that would wonderfully and profoundly transform your life?

Think about that for a moment...

Tune into it.

Re-read it once more.

Really, search your mind for an answer right now.

Can you connect to that something?

Can you see it, feel it, and / or hear what that is?

This is what I connected to...

I'm realizing in this moment that laying down, closing my eyes, and tuning into myself would wonderfully and profoundly transform my life right now. I've been feeling a bit heady and over-caffeinated this morning. I'm realizing a need to slow down, bring myself back, and reconnect to my inner elements.

What did you connect to?

Feel free to let us all know by sharing in the comments below.

I want to know where your wonderful, profound self will go next!

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