Living On Borrowed Time

Tomorrow Isn't Promised

Our time here on Earth is short, no matter how long you live to be.
There is so much beauty in the world, waiting for us to see.
Be happy and live everyday like it is the last.
Don't let those precious moments slip into the past.
Feel your heartbeat inside of your chest.
Always remember, you're doing your best.
Stop worrying about where you will get your next dime.
Don't forget, you're living on borrowed time...



Connecting With Nature

Recently I have been talking about how music heals the soul. However, there are many ways that we can find that inner happiness. Another favorite of mine is through the beauty of nature. Every time I walk outside, I look at nature and admire the world around me. Something magical happens when we actually do stop and smell the roses. Meaning that we stop from these hectic lives we live and take even a few seconds to appreciate life.

Your life is precious even when it doesn't feel like it. The world we live in is so full of greed, hate and jealousy. That just gives us more of a reason to bring that true happiness and inner peace to our own lives. Nature is the perfect way to ground ourselves. The perfect way to plant our feet on the ground and feel content.

Appreciate the smallest things in life, they won't be there forever.


Fresh Air Makes You Feel Alive

Majority of us can agree that we feel happier in Spring and Summer. I believe this is because of that fact that nature comes to life at this time. The flowers come up for fresh air, the grass is nice and green. The sound of birds chirping and the trees are full of life.

Don't forget the sun around this time. Sitting outside in the sun and absorbing the energy, can recharge us. Too much sun is not good for you but enough to make you feel alive is perfect. Fill your lungs with the air from outside, breath in and out. Enjoy that moment, appreciate the fact you are alive.

Sit back and watch the animals in the world around us, living so wild and free. Take in the sight of the birds flying around, fighting the wind to fly straight. The bees enjoying the nectar of a flower. Stop what you are doing once in a while and take a look at these things. Notice the beauty in the world around you, appreciate it.

Take in the beauty of every little thing around you.


Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. -Albert Einstein


My three year old daughter said that I, "need to take a picture of this flower because it's so pretty".

All photos were taken by me. Tomorrow isn't promised poem written by me.


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