Nothing Last Forever - Japanese Tradition


When I first met Granny (@terminallyill's grandmother), I was so happy to meet her. She is this little teeny tiny Japanese woman with so much fierce behind her. Pap was still living at the time, Pap is her long time American husband. Granny is about 4'3'' and Pap was close to 6'10''. Their love story is absolutely something you would see in a movie. Pap was in the Marine Corps and he was stationed in Hawaii. Her family immigrated to Hawaii from Goya, Japan. They met and immediately fell in love. Not long after they met, Pearl harbor was attacked and bombed by the Japanese which drew the United states into World War II. The rest of the story is the most incredible thing I have ever heard. The part of the story that tells everything in between, the struggles they faced. The way that they made it back to each other, the fact that Granny and Pap went through so much together and in the end, Pap was able to live his last days with the love of his life caring for him. The best part was the blessing that I was able to meet them both and still witness their love for each other, after all these years, after everything that had been through.

I wish I could tell you the full story of their life but I would never be able to tell it like @terminallyill will. I hereby summons him to one day write a post about their love story. I could tell you bits and pieces but I will wait for their Grandson to tell you up close and personal what Granny and Pap were like as he grew up. Instead, I want to tell you about something that always brings a smile to my face because it always makes me think of those two...


all photos of the Cherry Blossoms were taken by me

Cherry Blossoms

My father in law has a few of these trees in his yard. It's not surprising why he loves them, they are a major part of Japan. I was outside with my daughter today and noticed that his trees are blooming. I have never really seen a Cherry Blossom other than the picture of one on my Cherry Blossom scented lotion. I was so taken back by this tree, it is beautiful! I was then informed about the Cherry Blossom Festival that happens every year in Japan which is also known as hanami (flower viewing). Hanami has been around for many centuries. The purpose of this festival is for the world to understand that we must appreciate the beauty in life. In Japan, they anxiously wait all year to see these trees in full bloom. Once fully bloomed, the beauty from the flowers on these trees can only be enjoyed for about two weeks.



Picnic In The Park

The multiple Cherry Blossom trees in Japan are very full with many more flowers, this baby tree is still beautiful, nonetheless. For those short few weeks out of the year that the trees bloom, everyone in Japan prepares weeks in advance for this festival. They gather for what we call a picnic in the park. Thousands of people come together, as they sit under the blooming Cherry Blossom trees, taking in the beauty. The Japan Meteorological Agency even provides a cherry blossom forecast, specifically for this festival. Early in the morning, people eager for the day begin to find that special place wherever the trees are blooming. This is when they gather for food, drinks (mainly tea), music and good company. I can't even begin to imagine being in a park filled with so many fully bloomed Cherry Blossom trees. A sight that is obviously an incredible one.

Do you truly appreciate the beauty in life? This tree is a good reminder for us to do just that. This is a sight thousands of people in Japan wait all year to see, the trees are seriously breathtaking. Something so beautiful, something to relax those who see it, is gone within 14 days. Cherry Blossoms really are an incredible metaphor when we think of our lives, nothing last forever. Everyday we should remember to enjoy the small things in life. Enjoy that special time with your loved ones, take in the beauty of all that is around you. Why? Because you never know when that beauty will end.




This post in remembrance of Pap and the trials and tribulations he went through for the love of his life. Luckily for these two, even though nothing last forever, true love never dies. Granny still lives at home caring for herself. She is the sweetest, fiercest little woman I know. One day she was arguing with my father in law (something they do all the time) over the washing machine. Granny always gets mad towards the end so she ended this argument with, "Yes, I know how work machine. What you think I'm stupid or someting?" This next photo is from a few months ago, during Grans surprise 90th birthday party.



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