Obligatory Verification Post

Guess I missed this point in my introductory post, so here is my delayed verification entry. I hope this meets the criteria to assuage any concerns about my identity on Steemit, and to qualify me as an entrant for the first Steemit Food Challenge!

Why the dog? Well, when it comes to my identity, who am I without him? My identity is embedded in my role as dog-mom to the one and only Marvin. He's the apple of my eye and keeps me laughing every day. At an embarrassing 5.3 lb (is he a dog or a toy?), he manages to pack in a LOT of spunk, individuality, and love.

I finally coerced this little nugget to look at the camera. We weren't lucky enough to have us both looking at the same time.

But let's be real, who needs to look at my face anyway when you can stare into those beady eyes? (Can you tell he is not particularly amused by this mini photo shoot?).

Many more photos, videos, and stories of Marvin to come!

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