Steaming Pile of Steemit

Note to you...yes you fellow Steemian: You can skip down to "My name is..." that way you can avoid stepping in it with both feet. Or...just scroll to the very bottom for to get a feel for how I really feel. ~smiles fer miles~

Hello...hello...hello...HHHhhhheeeLLLoooOOOooo! Is this thing on?

Actually just typing that brings to mind my ex girlfriend's cat Zoey, I...well my roommate adopted her because my ex had gotten a Rottie and was worried about the cat scratching her eyes out. Zoey often walks around saying hello repeatedly. I'll have to capture that some time and let you have a listen.

It's been several years since I have written anything more than necessary to get a point or two across. Ideas for short stories and novels never get beyond the "yeah right" stage. Poetry comes and goes in my mind...ahhh poetry, the anthem of the heart. I think that was a big part of the parting of our ways after a couple few/years...the ex and I....not the cat.

She would lament that I didn't write poetry for her anymore. I couldn't get her to understand that writing poetry...for 98% inspirational, 1% desperation and 1% hmmm idk. The more I tried to you know. The deeper the hole I dug myself. The more firewood I chopped for her the less I could prove actions spoke louder than words. Then things just started to get too loud, or too quiet. Then it was too late. I am somewhat hopeful for a reconciliation after letting the embers cool down till this fall comes around. Wish me luck. I do still love her. I miss her very much. Sometimes too much, yes these are the words of a wounded heart...sigh...please excuse my sleeves.

I think I'll just blame it all on the Trump campaign. That was going on at the time of the breakup too. I'm joking of course, American politics had nothing to do with it. Yet perhaps it has everything to do with everything that is wrong in this world. Politics I mean, please let's not blame everything on just one nation. Recognizing that blame game is a zero sum game could go a long way toward changing this trend toward chaos.

Conspiracy theories aside it is my opinion that the invisible hand(s) that pull the strings are becoming arthritic and controlled by a progressively more demented intelligence...or lack thereof. It is what it is. As much as I dislike that phrase I can just now, for the first time, use it in what I trust to be a proper context. Things are rarely what they seem to be. I still fervently believe that only we, the people, can change that.

Enough about politics, love loss and friendly cats. And yes I know anthem isn't the right word...but it can be if allowances for poetic license is given me. I tend to not spend much time thinking about what I want to write. Usually I just write what I'm thinking. Like I said, it come and here goes...long story yer lucky...I can be a bit of a rambler...or so I'm told...go me Sherlock...I believe Captain Obvious is copyrighted.....

My name is Barry, I'm Canadian and rather than being a proud one I AM a grateful one. I should be proud...used to be proud...when we were believed to be a country that strove to bring a sense of peace and security into to this place we all call Earth. Alas corruption, like rust, never sleeps, and just like water, you-know-what runs downhill. Let's unplug the fans before it get's too deep! It really is difficult to keep politics out of...well anything and everything. It's just so invasive isn't it?

As a Canadian I do, at this moment, feel the urge to apologize for that opening. I know it may be just a titch/tad cynical to you. Or you may think me flippant and coming from myself, an eternal optimist and sometime deep thinker, I can only attribute it to either my age or the age we all live in. The angst is real, yet beauty still abounds all around us, children still smile, laugh and play, with that abandonment of innocence. You do remember don't you?

There is more of our planet undiscovered/untouched by us than known and understood. Yet there is nothing in this world, that I have discovered, that is "perfect" unless I can convince myself that it is/was/could be, yet I know in my heart...deep down in my soul I can feel it...that the best is yet to come for humanity. As unimportant as it may be, this apology is sincere.

I've joined Steemit because, although I've tried other social platforms in the past under many noms de plume, I have used the name cryptologyx since joining the exchange Poloniex early in 2015. It just seems natural to me to use it here at Steemit. I enjoy the exchange and look at it as an online game that I can really put my growing skills and effort into. I liken it to the five level chess board I remember seeing Spock and various members from the crew of the Enterprise play. I find it a challenging pastime and I hope this move to Steemit will prove just as challenging...and rewarding as the weeks, months and years go by.

My hope is that any earnings made in this inevitable change to the global monetary system will help bring some good into some lives and it is also my hope that years, decades...millennia from now readers of Steemit will think that this name suited me well. There is time enough yet to see if some of my ideas have much merit here...let alone traction.

One thing I do understand is that to be heard here you must take the time to listen to others. To have friends/followers one must first be friendly/respectful to all, even when in disagreement with what you've read. Above all one must be sincere in their comments towards other Steemian's content as much as one must be sincere in how their thoughts and works are presented here. Yes I am a one too. :-)

So last week I picked up some Steem Dollars at Poloniex with some of what's left of my astonishingly volatile holdings in this new thing I like to call the "cryptosphere". Acquiring them and only then recalling something about Steem being a new kind of social networking, I D.M.O.R. (did my own research) and found myself caught up in the enthusiasm of something fresh and gathering momentum. The organic growth at Steemit can/may change many things in how humanity shares it's hopes, dreams, thoughts, observations, protests...lives. Really isn't that what life is all about...growth?

OK...I've just thrown my first contribution to the compost heap of Steemit. Just like so many have before me since Steemit has come into being a "thing" to be reckoned with. I intend to triple "R" my thoughts, words, ideas, great, small and outrageous as they might prove to be, here at Steemit as much as I can find the time for. I enjoyed the first few days of looking around the garden of Steemit.

From this compost heap I envision many more beautiful flowers growing. Some will prove to be perennials, others annual and yet others bi-annual. To each our own nature, and may none of us think ourselves to be a weed in this wondrous garden. IMO a weed is just a plant that is disliked/unloved, for some reason or another. Growth is natural instinct, love is natural thyself and a weed you'll never be. I'm speaking in the global sense of this Steemit platform. Not just my own little pile. Just thought I might clear that up for some.

I also chose not to add a lot of pictures or links to this introduction. Just some for now so I can get an url for my avatar. and a second to prove it is in fact me. Although a local artist did the drawing in Crayon as part of a barter on doing some yard work for her. 30+ years have gone by since then and I'm still wielding garden tools to make a living. And still loving it.

Just in case I added a couple/few more in the hopes I'll be able to edit them out. Edit; I decided not to edit them out.

That tip (for creating an avatar url I give my thanks to @shayne and his post @shayne/beginners-guide-to-getting-started-with-steemit-revised-by-shayne-or-or-3-a-strong-avatar ) Sometimes just words are not enough.

I'm sure for many who read this there are more than enough...words. In fact, a hot steaming pile of them. :-)


Recycle, re-use, re-purpose...and git'yerself some red wigglers and share the healthy earth they exude with a friend...a enemy? Just add water, shake and spray. Results may vary but from such humble things beauty springs forth. Worm poo...who knew?

~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~


head 'n home.jpg



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