Beginners Guide To Getting Started With Steemit (REVISED) by @shayne || 3. A STRONG AVATAR

steemit avatar.png

3. Have a strong avatar

If there's anything that I see people overlooking the most in terms of their strategy here on Steemit, it's the Avatar.

Imagine: You're commenting all over Steemit, gaining tons of exposure, hundreds to thousands of people are seeing the quality content you are making, and when they look at your avatar, they see this...

Screenshot (156).png

Way to make an impression!

Don't be that guy.

Because an eye-catching avatar will really help people remember you. And when they remember your avatar from comment to comment, they'll start to get a feel for how you operate and the style that you bring to Steemit. It'll give them more opportunities to get to know you and eventually follow you.

Who is doing this right?

Some great examples of strong avatars are:

These avatars are iconic, colorful, attractive, and memorable.

I also drew three of the six ;)

Don't let your avatar be a missed opportunity!

How do you upload an avatar?

Under "Setting" you will see a field that says "PROFILE PICTURE URL". In that field you simply past the url to your avatar.

If you're wondering where you can host your picture, well... just make a Steemit post about how you're updating your avatar, drag and drop the image into that post so it's hosted on the Steemit blockchain, and then copy and paste the source url into the field for your profile picture.

Easy :D

And you'll probably make some money off of the post as well.


Follow me @shayne

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