G'day and Guten tag, Steemians. Danedebeau here.

Hello Steemians,

I am Danedebeau, or in real life, just Dane.


I arrived here earlier this month and have been using it to blog about my past travels. Steemit is a great idea, and hopefully I have finally found a place to share the stories and more importantly, the photos, of my travels with friends and my girlfriend of 10 years, Meg.

Short of starting my own blog, I've been looking for a place to post and Instagram is a bit limiting, Facebook, too personal, and twitter is for celebrities... which I am not... thankfully.


I am an Aussie, a wannabe writer (writing a novel, but yet to be published or finished) and I am living currently in Munich, Germany, freezing to death on the back-end of a brutal winter. Brutal for Aussie standards, mild for Europeans.


So If you like travel blogs with good (I hope) photography, follow me and read away, and I hope you enjoy them, because I enjoy writing them, and my girlfriend enjoys reading them... because she has forgotten half the stuff we have done together.


Even the story of how I came to get the nickname of Danedebeau will come up, which was the culmination of a 6-month round the world trip.

Here are the links to my most recent posts in my Mismatched Travel Diaries Series, a series in which I will chronicle my travels in an non-chronological order for the most part, because I will probably get bored writing about my travels from all over the world in a linear way.

Mismatched Travel Diaries #1 - BIG SUR - A Coastal Drive. Part 6 - Dogspotting in Carmel, and the half-hearted search for Clint Eastwood.

Mismatched Travel Diaries #1 - BIG SUR - A Coastal Drive. Part 5 - A pile of extra seal photos

Mismatched Travel Diaries #1 - BIG SUR - A Coastal Drive. Part 4 - Big Sur, Sore Arms.

Mismatched Travel Diaries #1 - BIG SUR - A Coastal Drive. Part 3 - The Coast goes left, right, left, right, forever.

Mismatched Travel Diaries #1 - BIG SUR - A Coastal Drive. Part 2 - Cambria: Sleepy Seals Seal the Deal

Mismatched Travel Diaries #1 - BIG SUR - A Coastal Drive. Part 1 - L.A. to Cambria

So please read, and enjoy, and if you have any questions, ask away!


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