Commencing of an epic philosofical journey - meet a nobody

  My name is Matěj Krejčiřík. I’m Philosophy student engaged mainly in the field of Information science and Game studies. I´m currently working on metaphysics, that’s supposed to help me, and anyone willing to truly think about matters discussed, understand the world (with all its measureable/thinkable aspects), that we happen to live in. I have been playing Ultimate Frisbee for few years now where I´ve made it to the National team. I’m a wannabe author, creator of thought-out-fantasy-universes-in-construction. Thus after all said, I feel the need to stress out, that I mainly aspire to be nobody. An ordinary being living his happy life. 

Fields that I’m going to write about 


This is where steemit kicks in for me. Unfortunately my philosophical influence so far is rather local, thus not living up to its potential. Getting in touch with critical minds is the main thing I seek. Philosophical themes I plan to write about are Information science, Game studies, Rationality, Life, Self-improvement and Sports. Eventually I might come across other topics that will catch my eye and will cause an irresistible urge to contemplate on. I´m very open minded in this regard and will concentrate on anything, that might help me or the readers of my articles.


 I will not speak about the metaphysics here, because I feel like giving it the space it needs. What I will say though is what I hope to achieve. My problem is not that I do not find sufficient amount of people that would blindly follow the speech replying something like “yea that makes sense”. I lack people willing to discuss and more importantly contribute. Because without discussion there is no necessary stimuli that would force the brain to work out of its comfort zone = no Self-improvement. EDIT: The first article can be found here 


That’s what my metaphysics (and even ordinary philosophy) fluently transits into. Or is supposed to, let’s put it like that, shall we? Because from my perspective brains need to work out of its comfort zones to truly undergo the process of self-improvement. Be it you or me. And I am here for self-improvement...what about you? :) 


At this time my biggest motivation to concentrate on wide spectrum of themes. Thought processing is the only field where I happen to be a perfectionist and one does not create a working universe with believable laws without understanding existing laws first. I’m not sure yet how to approach topics concerning my book to not spoil what’s going to be in it. Nonetheless this great community might be source of awesome inspiration I desire, so I just might find a way. 


I guess that no one would ever be interested in reading reports from particular tournaments our team is attending (or would you?). What I might do once is write an article about what it is we are playing and by that spread the knowledge. Furthermore, since there are no referees in the game, one is often times exposed to situation, that wouldn’t ever occur in a world chained by cultural evolution, so it might be viable to contemplate on that. 

So here we are at end of my introduction article. If the scheme I have planned caught your attention, feel free to follow and participate whenever you will feel like you have some kind of information, which might able to contribute. Even if that is not the case, I will be honoured, if you from time to time decide to interact with me in the comments bellow. 

Let’s commence another epic journey of mine/yours!


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