Truth – An omnipresent law, sanity’s core pillar

  Let´s get started with the first part of my metaphysical talks. Truth – a saving grace, a core pillar keeping our sanity intact. An omnipresent law to be embraced or ignored. None can win, lose nor hide. 

 I should begin with a brief introduction to my concept of pillars. My next article will fully explain it, but for the need of this one we´ll go with such a definition. Throughout our lifespan (from very early stages) we are continually processing all the life experiences we have been taught, singular ideas (coming from a person, or a small group), conceptual ideas (large groups, cultures), contextual ideas etc. Eventually stuff that is in harmony with what we perceive as truth is used to build (and in time upgrade) our pillars of life. Those pillars function is to be there for us whenever we are out of our comfort zone. Not having those pillars covering your back at all times means you´re being exposed to the stress. The more critical minded one is, the more effectively is reconstruction of pillars done, when a right stimuli threatens stability of one (or more) of them. 

Truth as an omnipresent law.

 It is a really hard-to-grasp kind of thing. There is an infinite amount of logically true statements, yet the Truth is one and only. One cannot own truth, since it’s immaterial and same for all the species in the universe. It does not lead, create nor control, it isn’t good nor bad – it just IS.  Statement that everyone has his own truth is fundamentally false and on top of that so very dangerous. Not knowing the truth does not implicate that it does not exist. When two representatives of any specie are in interaction with each other and disagree, there are three possibilities what might have happened. 1. Both representatives were right, but were unable to code the information into something, which can be understood by the other side, leading to disagreement due to misunderstanding. Since both sides are strongly convinced that they are right, there is no way how to achieve mutual comprehension, unless one side is able to effectively recode the information from its head into comprehensible statement for the other side. If the argumentation is done right, comprehension should arise sooner or later, when both sides dig deeper into their life pillars (believes) and question them. 2. One side is right, whereas the other is not. During an interaction representative that is right will start to form an argument that will try to introduce truth to the other representative (the more radical the way will be the lower probability of success). Two eventualities arise. Representative that is false will be critical minded, therefore be able to question his own pillars – resulting in agreeing and rebuilding or disagreeing and keeping old pillars. 3. None is right. Two eventualities arise once again. One is either aware of the fact that his information gathered, concerning the believe that is false, is not sufficient therefore he might not be right, or one will not care at all and will fight till last breath to force the slightly different wrong statement onto the other. Situation where both representatives are right and both have different essential component of their pillar regarding that event can never happen. Many different ways lead to the acquisition of the “essence of the truth”, a completely different structures are built around the essence, but the essence remains the same for all beings. 

Truth as sanity’s core pillar

  Construction of life pillars is a very complex process in which truth is playing a pivotal part. Whenever one perceives an action it´s immediately being consciously processed and confronted with knowledge we possess and life pillars already built. Millions of those action per day have zero information value (a car went by…hurey!), but every single day we are, at least couple of times, exposed to completely new information. The knowledge and experiences are trying to make a sense out of it – discovering at least a portion of the essence of the truth. Sometimes we find what we seek and sometimes we are fooling ourselves that we found what we sought. Once we have the essence, whether it is real or fake, we start to incorporate them into the life pillars we already have, or if we discover something around which we have no real pillar working already, we use it as a core element for a new pillar. By that we are creating a protection of our sanity. When we have the pillars, if we choose not to think about the action perceived at all, it just hits the construction and bounds off – keeping our sanity intact. What I’m trying to say is that what we believe is truth makes core elements of all our believes later on. The less sceptical we are to the truths discovered (meaning the less testing of whether it really is true or just false information) the higher chance of a mistaken believes along the way of life. Critical mindedness, open mindedness, discussions, background research whether the sources of information aren´t fake are all valid ways how to acquire at least the portion of the truth. The less ignorant human being is the more of his sanity is at stake when the realization comes upon him that pillars in which he believed all along has no essence of the real truth.

 We could say it´s a complex description of reality. It shouldn’t be affected by any personal concerns. We are never going to discover it fully, however, in mankind’s potential is to close the distance between what we perceive as a reality and what reality really is. Alas basic surveillance tells me that most of the people perceive truth as something subjective (ripping out good from its eternal battle between good and bad and substituting it for the truth), therefore creating one of the reasons why humanity lacks stronger consensus. 

This is my take on truth. I would singlehandedly falsify this theory if I asserted that I know the truth about truth. So let me know how you guys perceive it. Let the discussion begin! :)  

P.S. If you are interested in what I´ll try to accomplish here check out my introduction article  

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