Why you should Follow or Not...


I already introduced myself here. This is now about the content I want to create and share.

For the last few days I was thinking about a "content strategy" and how to become more professional, so that maybe someday I can make a living from doing what I like most... thinking about life, enjoying its wonders, helping others, spreading information, love and fun.

It is recommended to focus on a specific topic and post regularly and so on, so people will know what they get. I thought a lot about what topics I would like to focus on but you know what.... there are just too many. There are so many great and interesting things out there... And I don't like the idea of leaving out a great video or article or whatever just because it doesn't fit into a certain concept. But I think nevertheless I can point down some general keywords of my content:

  • Technology/Science/Future
  • Nature/Environment/Sustainability
  • Society/Ethics/Philosophy
  • Art/Music/Fun

You see... a very broad variety of posts awaits you. But at least a pinch of "amazingness" will always be included.

In terms of timing/regularity I can say nothing. It totally depends on when I feel the urge to share this or that with the world. There will be times of regular postings and times of silence.

Also the type of content will vary. Recently I liked to take a video and summarize it with my own words and I like formatting texts. By the way I am not a native English speaker and it is quite challenging for me to express my self precisely in English. So any feedback on wording/phrasing/grammar is highly appreciated. Anyway...
I think my text The Universe and Life in a Nutshell is a good example. I'd also like to take some short but interesting videos in German language, share them here and translate it's content to English, like I just did here.

But I won't always write texts like this. I guess most of the time it will just be commenting on some interesting news, a resteem here and there, mind blowing videos/images/music... whatever. And maybe sometimes... just sometimes, I will even post a random photo.

That's it!

Thank you very much for your attention!

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