Multicultural and multilingual in the Steemit community

Hello everyone in the #steemit community!

My name is Sandra and I was born in Spain

  Hola, saludos a la comunidad #Steemit! ¿Cómo están?  

                Hallo idereen hier in Steemit. Alles goed? 

                       Bonjour mes amis du Steemit,  ça va?


Hello to the #steemit community. My name is Sandra and I am from Spain. I am also half Dutch since my mom is from the Netherlands (Holland). 



I was born in Spain, particularly in Barcelona where I was raised and lived a third of my life. Some people know Spain because of our food (most known is paella) and sangria's. Barcelona is very touristic and has a lot of history and art. We also have the beach and nice weather: things for which I did not care for while I was growing up. The atmosphere and the ambience are very different and they are things I miss about my country. We are very family oriented and take time for siestas! (Yes the well know naps:)) Although I was born in Spain and was raised there, my mom was Dutch.

Holland (The Netherlands)


Usually mothers are the ones that carry the tradition, and therefore I was raised with Dutch upbringing: from food, to schedules to fashion. That meant I was different and stood out in between all my friends. However, I was always happy in knowing that I knew more languages than my friends, and although I didn’t understand at that time, also helped me learn English and later French. I never lived in Holland but I always went on vacation to visit our family. Holland is beautiful with green scenery and known for its tulips and mills and the wonderful cheese J However, the weather is usually rainy and on the cool side, even during summer! So many Dutch people travel overseas to look for the sun.

The United States


My parents moved to the United States, and my sister and I were not happy to leave our beloved Spain and friends behind for the unknown. It took us a while to get used to, especially the language. I was one of the best students in Spain (or so I thought), but apparently not good enough, because when I was asked I school: -“How are you?” I responded “Thirteen.” Overall it has been a great experience, and learning not only the language but the culture and the customs. It’s incredible how different countries and people are, and it’s great to learn and embrace each other. I have definitely learned a lot over the years and met many people.

A little more about me

I am a single mother after parting ways with my ex and what matters most to me in this world is my daughter. Although there have been tough times and many, many, I mean many frustrating times…I wouldn’t trade it for the world! There is always something positive to see from a situation. My relationship didn’t work out, but I got a great gift out of it: my daughter.



I like to listen to music, read some books, and my most recent hobby that gets me excited is couponing. I made a blog about how to make money by saving money which might interest you as well.    


At times, #couponing has been really helpful to make sure my daughter was well taken care of. Seeing the results of saving while providing for her is a great feeling. I will probably speak more about this in other posts.

I am happy to be part of the #steemit community since I believe there is a lot to learn from each and everyone of us. 

Hasta pronto! Tot gauw! ’Till next time…

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