Background to SportsPodium - ICO to be announced!

The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime - Babe Ruth

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Background to SportsPodium

SportsPodium is a next generation incentivised social media network focused on the sporting community around the world. Our aim is to introduce a non-technical audience to the world of Blockchain and Crypto Currency with an easy to use mobile application.

Originally launched in 2014 for a 2 year period of research and development two further versions of the application was released. During this period around 7000 upcoming sports people registered on the platform in the Proof of concept stage of the project.

Since the start of 2016, we have been investigating the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency environment, and we solved a number of key problems faced in the Web 2.0 approach we have been pursuing. Key challenges faced was in driving a solution that will actively reward the community for behaviours and participation, as well as dealing with one global solution and multiple currencies (many of these in the third world where there is large currency uncertainty).

By using our proven approach to utilising social media backed up by clever algorithms, as well as the incredible opportunities the blockchain and crypto currency gives in decentralising information and structures as well as sharing rewards for being part of the community, the platform can now truly fulfill its aim to make talent identification and selection truly broad-based.

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The next step in our journey

The next step in the evolution of the product is to rebuild the application as a decentralized application (DAPP) on proven underpinning Blockchain Technology. Crypto Financing, (Initial Token Offering) will be used for growth capital, as we have developed the product over a number of years..

We ultimately look at SportsPodium to be the LinkedIn for the sporting community combined with some characteristics of Facebook for the sport supporter all baked into one blockchain based incentivised social media decentralised application. On top of this we will build a clever advertising engine and shopping mall that will earn the participant and community revenue.

End user of systems are also accustomed to receiving and taking action on mobile notifications. Our system will drive our process through smart contracts to ensure everybody takes the actions required from them in the process.

As users participate in the process they will receive incentives in the form of a crypto-tokens which will be tradable on various crypto exchanges. Most importantly we are looking at ways for the end-users to easily convert these Crypto Tokens into Fiat money as the core of the user base will not be Crypto and Blockchain literate.

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We are looking forward in engaging with the sports community on various levels and aim to enhance an already flourishing industry by adding the latest technology and a new way of incentivising every player, team, club, school, coach, administrator and supporter in a meaningful way.

Please follow @sportspodium for more information

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