User's Chain #1 [New Project for Steemians].


Hi guys. I wanted to introduce you to a new idea. The truth is I don’t know if it's going to work, but just starting with it makes me feel good. So STEEM ON!

I'm going to tell you a little bit why I care to create this. Since I joining to Steemit it's like my life change, this social network has something, to which I still can’t find the words to describe it. From day one I'm non-stop and in my head basically there is only one word: "Steemit". And you can check it because in two weeks I have more than 600 post, comments, etc, etc. The issue is that there is no social network like Steemit, I don’t know if it will be because the community is small or because the universe conspire to create this, the truth is that I don’t know. The only thing I know, is that I have become literally, addicted to Steemit. But I think it must be the healthiest addiction there is. Because it does me good. Very good!

One of the things that has this platform, which has me in love among so many, are the people that make it up. I think that has been my Achilles heel, my weakness. Because the truth that I have known people, that it seems that I know them of all the life. And this is the aim of this project. To value the people of Steemit. Valuing them for their attitudes, for their time, for commenting, for helping you, for what you want. You choose. And of course, to Strengthen ties. In my case have appeared people, who have helped me when I didn’t understand anything, have given me a caress in the soul with a comment or have fixed me a smile for several minutes with an ingenious response. And that for me is the power of Steemit. The power that one through small gestures, can improve the day to someone. Why I assure you that many of my days have been improved by you. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who has ever experienced this.


I am going to choose a person from Steemit who will be called a link. And to this person I’m going to donate something, can be what you want, 0.01, 1, 2 or 30 steem or sbd. Whatever you want. It even occurs to me that if you have a friend or partner who sees you day in and day out of the platform, you can give it to him personally and share it with us. A gift, a writing, a treat, a hug, whatever you wish! You have total freedom.

Apart from what I donate to this person, I will create a post and I will tell him/her why I give it, explaining what generate this person in me so that I have this gesture. You can’t only write something, you can dedicate a poetry, a song, etc. etc. Everything is allowed in the post that you dedicate to that user. And this is how a chain will be formed in Steemit.

Finally, I will sign me up as a participant of the chain in the post I created (leaving the previous participants in their corresponding place). The idea is that this goes from person to person and they will be registered all that were reached by the chain.


- The title of the post I'm going to ask you to be this: User's Chain # (The number of participants)

For example, like I'm going to be the first, the title would be:

User's Chain #1

- The tag that I ask you to use, no matter the order, is userschain to be able to follow the chain and build it.

- The chain can return to the person only once, consecutively. That is, a user can receive the string 20 times, but what can’t happen is this:

I give the chain to xxxxx. Xxxxx returns it to me and I can’t return it to xxxxx. What I have to do is choose another person so you don’t miss the purpose.

- Please choose someone active and really appreciate it.

- Ensure that the person knows that he has been chosen to be a member of the user’s chain.

Recommendations and clarifications about the rules:

I think it's best if you choose someone you really appreciate in Steemit, try to pick an active user and consider that he are willing to continue with the chain.

Another important step is when you choose the person and create the post. Please make sure he find out, since for example, not all users have eSteem on their cell phones and maybe mentioning it in the post is not enough.

Ideally, they should make the rules known to the person you choose, explaining or directing them to this post. I will finally put the url in case you want to add it as an instructive of your respective post.

A mini personal comment

It hurts in my soul to choose only one person but I want to respect the format, just as I know that those who are reading this know what they have caused in me. And surely the chain will come to you. They know that I appreciate them because through some comment or by steemit chat I have let them know so I apologize if I did not choose you.

Until here comes the introductory post, which is followed by my first user’s chain post and as I always say:

If you give, always but always, you receive much more!

My Post

#spanishchallenge (1).jpg

@danilamarilu I have chosen you as link for the user's chain. Check your wallet :)

I'm going to speak to her in Spanish, because that's how I communicate with her. At the end is the translation.

Amiga ha sido un placer conocerte. Creo que desde el día uno me demostraste la clase de persona que eras, ayudándome en lo que necesitaba ese mismo día sin siquiera conocerme. Gracias por haber bancado todas mis locas ideas y por haberme traducido mis textos. De corazón lo valoro. Sé que nuestra amistad lleva poco por acá, pero en mi caso, poco importa el tiempo, lo que más importa son las actitudes y los gestos!

Pienso que eres una de las personas que más valor le aporta a Steemit. Eres una gran artista y gracias por dejarnos conocer sobre tu arte! De corazón espero conocerte a ti y a tu novio algún día porque no tengo ninguna duda de que son excelentes personas. Yo pongo el agua del mate y listo! No hace falta más! Quizás media docena de medialunas, jaja.

Espero que en todo lo que te propongas lo logres, muchos éxitos por allá y que sean muy pero muy felices!

Steem on!


My friend it has been a pleasure to meet you. I think from day one you showed me the kind of person you were, helping me in what I needed from that day on without even knowing me. Thank you for supporting all my crazy ideas and for having translated my texts. I value it in my heart. I know that our friendship here is just starting, but in my case, time matters little, what matters most is attitudes and gestures!

I think you're one of the people who brings more value to Steemit. You are a great artist and thank you for letting us know about your art! With my heart I hope to meet you and your boyfriend one day because I have no doubt that you are excellent people. I put the “mate” water and go! Nothing else is required! Maybe half a dozen croissants, haha.

I hope that you can achieve anything you set your mind into, wishing you many successes and may you be very, but very happy!!

Steem on!




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