Amazing Fantastic Inventions #3

Some people are Geniuses, others are just plainly stupid. Here we will explore the later type of people.

But sometimes intelligence doesn't always matter when it comes to new products.

Many Inventors believe in innovation and attracting the scientific community

Others go for creativity to capture the people's attention.

When it comes to inventing, sometimes it’s not how much brains one has, But how much GUTS

Guts to BE PROUD! To stand by your design

And Guts to make people believe!

So let me show you some Amazing Fantastic Designs that will have you wanting each and every product.


Does your child tend to get out there crib?


Not with a secured military grade electric fence hooked up to your favorite power plant!

Now some people out there might call this "overboard" or potentially "Life Endangering"

But not me

I consider this a "Learning Experience

After the first couple attempts at escape, rest assured,

They will never move again

Next up we have an even craftier item, you don't want to miss out on this specialty


Whittie Tighties for the Hands!

Finally there HERE!

Ask yourself this,

How many times have I been out in public naked?

I know it's terrible; you’re probably going to have a bad time

Well now you don't have to worry

You can cover up those precious bare hands and save some embarrassment. 

Coming soon:  Thong edition

Thank you for reading.

If you missed my other amazing fantastic inventions: 



Keep an eye out for other Fantastic inventions! Follow me @generation.easy

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