US President grants special powers and privileges to all jews

Trump's surprise Executive Order yesterday clarified how jews are to be treated, and redefined judaism - now it's not just a religion, but also a race and a nationality.

(Apparently he believes it's okay to criticize... as long as the target isn't jewish!)

Anti-semitism is now legally defined as "a certain perception of jews, which may be expressed as hatred". May? So it may or may not be epxressed as hatred. In other words, anti-semitism is "a certain perception of jews". Wow, nice work on making that as broad and vague as possible!

So who is guilty of having this certain perception? Perhaps because their own definition is so loose, the regulators have provided several examples of what is forbidden:

  • unduly singling out the state of israel (criticizing it in any way that one wouldn't also criticize every other state)
  • conspiracy theories about israel or jews
  • blaming jews when something bad happens, or for the state of the world
  • using sinister stereotypes or negative character traits to describe jews
  • supporting the harming of jews
  • making allegations about the power of the jewish collective
  • spreading the myth that jews occupy positions of power in media, banks, government, etc
  • accusing the jewish people of wrongdoings actually committed by a single jewish (or non-jewish) person (or group)
  • denying the scope or intentionality of the genocide/holocaust of jews by the nazis (and their supporters/accomplices/sympathizers)
  • questioning the details of the official holocaust story
  • accusing jews of exaggerating the holocaust story
  • suggesting jews are more loyal to israel than the countries they live in
  • theorizing about jews conspiring to censor
  • calling israel racist, evil, or apartheid (this denies the jews their right to self-determination)
  • requiring anything of israel not also required of every other nation
  • using anti-semitic symbols or images
  • claiming jews killed jesus
  • claiming jews killed christians to use their blood in rituals
  • comparing israeli policy to nazi policy
  • holding jews responsible for israeli policy
  • applying double standards to israel or jews
  • more examples to be added as needed
  • remember that these are merely examples - any similar actions are also prohibited

The jews, whose holy writings refer to as god's chosen ones, are now being granted special legal powers and status above all other humans - and protection from criticism.

Politicians from both sides of the political charade, as well as the mainstream media whores, all embraced Trump's Executive Order, agreeing for the first time in months. The order, which is undoubtedly unconstitutional but also somehow legal, was kept secret until after it went into law to sidestep criticism.

My questions

My religion is 'Love, Liberty, and Peace'. Do I get to consider it my race and nationality, and do I get special status for it? What about other religious groups, do they get protection from criticism? Like the muslims, christians, agnostics, satanists, buddhists, spiritualists, atheists, hindus, and so on?

Why are the jews the only ones exalted to this new status of supreme human; flawless, superior, and untouchable?

And what business is it of the american president to enact sweeping laws to bring it about?

If being religiously jewish (or from isreal) now makes a person racially a jew... is critique of jews (or israel) now to be considered racicism, which is prohibited essentially everywhere, and sometimes punishable?

How is it wrong "to apply double standards" to jews, when the jews themselves demand to be treated by a different standard?

To discover who actually rules us, shouldn't we look to who we can't criticize?

Is isreal real?

Is there a holocaust in progress, right now?

Would I even be allowed to ask these questions on FaceBook or YouTube in December of 2019? The answer is no. And how long before they come for free speech in the final pockets it still exists online, such as Flote and Steem? Will they soon begin to refer to these bastions of free speech as "anti-semitic hotbeds"?


Apparently, international reaction to the Executive Order has been exceedingly positive. Even online, almost everyone appears to be in favour of - or silent on - these unprecedented sudden changes to our society.

What is YOUR reaction? But be careful! Your response will be recorded for all time. You may, at some point in the future, be judged as having... a certain perception.


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