God Is Triune
This means that He is one God, a single being(Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 45:21; 1Corinthian 8:5-6; Ephesian 4:6, 1Timothy 2:5), who has revealed Himself in three distinct (not separate) interrelated and completely unified persons: Father Son and the Holy Spirit(Matthew 28:19). Each person is fully divine(i.e., fully God) and equal with the other two; yet they are not three Gods, but one. Another way this concept of God has been described is "three in Person, One in essence." We must be careful not to misinterpret this as if the one God as simply revealed Himself in three different "modes" or expressions at different times through out history (as if God the Father in the old testament was Jesus in the new testament and is the Holy Spirit now).
Through the centuries, such false teaching has brought confusion in the church. The correct teaching is that all three persons of the Godhead exist uniquely at the same time (see Luke 3: 21-22 where all three are revealed in their full personhood and are active at the same time. Also in Matthew 3: 16-17).
Matthew 3:16-17
16 As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”
Theological Terms
In theological terms, this concept of one God in three distinct, interrelated and unified persons is called the Trinity. Though the concept of a "three-in-One" Trinity has no parallel or eqivalent in the human world, it is absolutely Scriptural and essential to a proper understanding of the complex and multi-faceted nature of God.
Thanks for reading and stay bless.
This is the end of the Unique Attribute of God(1-8). I will be starting with the Moral Attribute of God in The next post.
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