This Is Japan

Explore everyday life in Japan



There are many rivers and canals in Japan. These waterways tend to run through or near the middle of most, if not all, Japanese cities. Often these waterways are lined with cherry trees and look like they have been strung with garlands of cotton candy at the end of March.


In the early mornings you will most likely see people walking, running, or cycling along these waterways, and in the afternoon, after school has gotten out, you will often find students stretching, doing calisthenics, and training with their sports teams.


As the sun sets and dusk spreads, you may find high school students, still in their school uniforms, sitting, talking, taking pictures, and maybe tentatively sharing their first romantic experiences, protected by the encroaching cover of night from the eyes of passersby.


Image Credits: All images in this post are original.

This is an ongoing series that will explore various aspects of daily life in Japan. My hope is that this series will not only reveal to its followers, image by image, what Japan looks like, but that it will also inform its followers about unique Japanese items and various cultural and societal practices. If you are interested in getting daily updates about life in Japan, please consider following me. If you have any questions about life in Japan, please don’t hesitate to ask. I will do my best to answer all of your questions.

If you missed my last post, you can find it here Autumn Rice Fields.

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