Autumn Reflections :: Beautiful Japan #45

The beautiful Kōrankei Valley (香嵐渓). The leaves are so gorgeous, they can't help but admire themselves in the water.

Autumn_Reflections.jpg "Korankei"
Click on the photo for a bigger view

Korankei is one of the most famous areas to see autumn leaves in this area. Occasionally it even makes national lists. It is a nature valley near Toyota City. It's beautiful year-round, but especially so in Autumn when the entire valley turns red, yellow, and various shades of orange.

Wonderful place, but often packed with tourists from all over Japan. There are only a few roads into the place (only 2 I think), so unless you get there early, you are looking at a traffic jam at least an hour long. When I go I usually catch the very first bus of the day at 5am, and so beat the rush. Yeah, it's early, but waiting much longer than that means sitting in traffic.

But it's worth it! Just look at those leaves!

Don't miss the other great photos in the Beautiful Japan photo series!

#1–10 — Beautiful Japan, Collection #1
#11–20 — Beautiful Japan, Collection #2
#21–30 — Beautiful Japan, Collection #3
#31–40 — Beautiful Japan, Collection #4
#41 — Cherry Blizzard
#42 — House in the Sky
#43 — Explosive Clouds
#44 — Angry Sky

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I post one photo everyday, as well as a haiku and as time allows, videos, more Japanese history, and so on. Let me know if there is anything about Japan you would like to know more about or would like to see.

Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.
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