House in the Sky :: Beautiful Japan #42

The best houses are those built in the clouds.


This is mostly a traditional house, with some modern touches. Most houses are thrown up in a few weeks. They are cookie-cutter houses, all built from pre-made parts. But this one? I watched them slowly build this up over the course of a year using top-quality material. It must have cost the owners a small fortune.

When I took this photo, I was just trying to capture the top half of the house and the cool clouds. However, upon processing it I was immediately reminded of Castle in The Sky, the fantastic Miyazaki film. What do you think?

Don't miss the other great photos in the Beautiful Japan photo series!

#1–10 — Beautiful Japan, Collection #1
#11–20 — Beautiful Japan, Collection #2
#21–30 — Beautiful Japan, Collection #3
#31 — Lost in Thought
#32 — Now For My Close-Up
#33 — Let's Pray Under the Clouds
#34 — Garden Shrine
#35 — Bridge to Adventure
#36 — Angry Samurai Turtle
#37 — Castle in the Trees
#38 — Maple Leaves at Rest
#39 — Shrine of the Goddess
#40 — The Buddha at Kamakura
#41 — Cherry Blizzard

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I post one photo everyday, as well as a haiku and as time allows, videos, more Japanese history, and so on. Let me know if there is anything about Japan you would like to know more about or would like to see.

Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.
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