Getting To Know The Japanese Steemit Community

i'm back home in Japan enjoying the sunrise and a coffee. As I was catching up on Steemit I realized something, I think a lot of Japanese posts are not making it to the Steemit community outside of Japan. The Japanese Steemit community is starting to take off. There are a lot of great bloggers, but most are in Japanese. This can be a hurdle for most non-japanese speaking people. However, there are several who are also putting the translations in their posts making it much easier for readers and I wanted to highlight some of them for you as well as talk a bit about my experience with the community as a foreigner.

Let's start with the latter first. I can't say enough good things about the Japanese Steemit community. They have made me feel like I am part of the family, even without ever meeting face to face. I was asked to be an advisor for them and an out reach to the expat community here in Tokyo, which I will be throwing a club night next month to teach Tokyoites about Steemit. That was the first gesture of friendship, aside from comments, posts, follows and upvotes.

Then the outpouring of support and well wishers this past weekend, specifically from the Japanese community, choked me up. I knew I would get votes and I was hoping for them, but when the leaders of the community wrote posts urging others to help and when Japanese members start donating SDB I realized that the Japanese community is where I needed to focus my efforts. Such giving people deserve reciprocation. So, here are some posts I think might peel the curtain back a little of what is going on over here.

@hiradate has a post about himself and @moromaro @sho-t @crypto.hack @shogo @exhige @masan @tonpa @takatomo @taiki9191 and @mnsk0619 meeting in Shibuya for a Steemit study group. They then went to the NEM bar. Yes, there is an actual NEM bar in Shibuya which accepts NEM, BTC and other crypto. His post about that meeting is here.

@sjt has a curation blog going that highlights 5 daily Japanese posts. This is a great idea to further grow the community. I have been watching it for a while now and I believe he/she is fair in selecting the posts. You can find the latest post here.

@yo-yo has a post about a trip to Korea and staying in a traditional Korean inn. in English, Japanese and Korean! You can read about it here.

@ace69 has an interesting post about a Harley Davidson motorcycle that was ravaged by the 3/11 tsunami and found near Canada. I recall hearing about this. You can read about it here.

These are just a few authors that post in Japanese and English. There are many more like my friends @steemitjp and @yoshiko to name a few. I would encourage you to seek a few Japanese Steemians out because the community is really starting to take off over here and there are some fantastic bloggers joining.

I will do these curation/introduction posts about once a month to keep pushing Japanese Steemians to the broader Steemit community.

Thanks for reading. Please upvote their posts before you upvote mine.

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