My Supernatural Moments (SWC) including near death experience

Don't you just wish that you were given some kind of supernatural power that you could use when in need? but realistically that will be only in my dreams. When I was a kid, there were many instances that I experienced myself floating, leaving my bodies and traveling elsewhere while I was sleeping. However, it eventually stopped after awhile.

When my younger brother was in coma after a tragic accident and the night before he passed away, I met him in my dream. He was so happy playing in a beautiful flower fields that have an amazing fresh beautiful smell. The place looked heavenly and no one else was seen there. He was telling me that he was sorry that he had to leave me and that he cannot grow up together with me, that place was his new place. I was pleading for him not to go away until I woke up. He passed away that morning at the age of 4 years.

I have also experienced dreams that came true which were mostly related to my exam results. When I was in my secondary school I was always worried about my exam scores. My dream of my results have always revealed to me the exact correct results that I would get later.

Aside from those experiences, I have many stories of supernatural experiences of my life that I wish to share to spread the positivity to others, but too many of them that I could not possibly tell them all in one post. Nevertheless, here I am with my supernatural stories to enter Jerry Banfield Supernatural Writing Contest. I hope you like my stories and perhaps can learn something from it.


One: Spiritual Awakenings

Although this story happened many years back, that night was a special night to remember. To this day I have always believed that God is watching over us and guiding us to the right path. I have no one in my life that time. Living alone by myself, have made me a loner without anyone to guide me or turn to for advice. But my story has proven that we are never alone in this world. Everything happens for a reason and that everything will be alright eventually.

I was deeply asleep when I heard a whisper to my ear that night "Wake up! Study!". I jumped from my bed and looked around. There was no one of course as I was alone in my room. I looked at the clock on the wall, it's 1 am... my hair stands. I thought to myself, "I must study now", but minutes after studying I got bored and started to watch TV. I really have no mood to studying that night although my final exam was just few hours away. After few minutes of watching TV suddenly my TV exploded and burned. Nothing serious except the smoke it produced. OMG! I thought to myself, this is the result of being stubborn. First the whisper and now this one. And so to my panicking in the moment of time, I just pray "My dear God okay I got your point, I promise I will study hard from now on." so I decided to focus on my study and graduated with flying colors. Here's my full story
A Night To Remember


Two: Near Death Experiences

That cab driver was going to rape me or kill me. That was my thought till this day. How I was saved was a total question till now. That tragic day, I was on the way to work, hitch a cab ride from a taxi stand nearby my house. Once I got into the cab, the driver looked very angry from the moment I was in the cab. He just drove speeding his cab to a place far away and out of my route to office. I was in shocked at that moment, my panicked set. To add to the worst scenario, I didn't carry my mobile. I just sat at the back thinking of my next life saving action, but it was too late as I guess he already marked on his target. He drove way off my route to my workplace to an abandon construction site. I was in a panicked state of mind but trying my best to remain calmed. He was shouting furiously at me to sit in front when we reached that abandoned place.

In that moment of truth, I have no idea why suddenly my mouth just talked I have a colleague by the name of Miss xxx. Mind that I have hundreds of colleagues and this particular girl was not even closed to me. She worked in a different department than me. Unbelievably that sentence hit the nail. The taxi driver looked at me in puzzled and said that he knew that girl and his behaviour softened. Then suddenly he drove out from that abandoned construction site, God knows where... dropped me I don't know where also and sped off. Phew! That was a closed one. Thank you God for sending me that line in the nick of time.


Three: Coincidences

I have just sold my gold necklace and carried some cash into the car. After I entered my car, I was busy with my things when suddenly my instinct said lock the car, so I locked. At the same time to my horror a stranger, a guy already trying to open my car door while I pressed the lock. Had I not done it, he would have robbed me. There were 3 of them standing looking at me with angry look. Ready to attack mode! Phew! Save by the bell!


Four: Moments of Magnificence

Trust your instinct it can save your life. I will tell you the one life-threatening story that changed the way I look at my surroundings as a ticking bomb and a tragedy waiting to happen if you choose to ignore it. That tragic day wont happened if I had chosen to listen to my instinct. I was followed by a criminal to my doorstep and as he was trying to drag me into my house. I screamed on top of my lungs and was saved in the nick of time. Please please aways trust your instinct, it can save your life! Read the full story here
Trust Your Instinct, it can save your life

@jerrybanfield, I watched your 2015 video and fell deeply into understanding life from death and beyond. I can feel your emotion. I am also always thinking about what happened when I am dead. Do I get to meet my late mother and brother? Am I just going to vanish from this earth without trace? etc etc, it had really caused me to have this compulsive thinking. Thanks for this awesome contest, this unique topic has always been my interest. Take care and wishing you a pleasant day.
Also my thanks to @gmichelbkk for collaborating with @jerrybanfield in this contest.

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Supernatural Writing Contest by @jerrybanfield

Yours truly,

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