Killthepad week 10 - Honesty


artwork by @scuzzy

Hey everyone, it's Killthepad contest Week 10 by @jamesgetsit. Shouts out to SMA and @dsound for their contributions. We are to write about the topic and put it in rap. No video or audio, just simply killing the pad.
This week's topic/theme is Honesty. Read and enjoy.

Between Me and You

My lips sealed... i'm not tryna hurt feelings
I'm not spilling, these thoughts deep in too blunt really
You had one chance to show your worth and you flopped it big
But I just hug you tight like a lost sibling

Lips sealed, I'm allergic but you bringing pets near me
Won't trim your yard, but always giving best hair tips
They say honesty creates positive energy
Well how positive is telling you we frenemies?

Lips sealed.. you in church dressed up sweetly
You were club-hopping Friday night now its "Yes Lord, heal me!"
Take credit for work I did and get the best office quick
Honesty's the best policy? why is my network shrinking?

My lips.... nah Honestly I'm tired of this
Your "I'll be there" became an expired promise
Now the fire burning, house in flames from wires crossing
You took my money and got workers you hired for free

I gotta tell you how it sucks when you cut corners
Everyone suffers
But you ain't taking advice cept I'm your blood brother
Like the truth is alien, and it don't cross borders

Now you acting salty
Telling your posse I'm the one that's corny
And they probably would find it funny
How you can make a Mountain out a molehill but can't work for money.

You gon get hurt with these silly stunts
How can I backstab you if I'm being blunt?
Sweet talking is just a subtle way of killing dreams
I wanna be real with you, and you be real with me.

~written by @ulqu3


Like this verse? Check out my other works

Killthepad - Peace
Killthepad - Apathy
Killthepad - Fear
Killthepad - Family
And my personal favourite...
Memoirs of a demigod

Crypto inclined? Check out

FarmaTrust- Anti-Counterfeit platform on blockchain
Chimeara - Gaming platform on blockchain
CrowdMachine - App development platform on blockchain
Invox Finance - Invoice financing platform on blockchain

Want to learn how to rap, buy a verse? Message me on Discord @ulqu3#3907

Loyal to #thealliance


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