한국어 능력 시험 -4급 획득 !🎁 I got Level 4 in my Test of Proficiency in Korean!🍻我在韓國語能力考試中拿到了4級!

여러분 안녕하세요, 수잔입니다!

Hi my dear Steemit friends! (中文版在下面哦)


오랜만 이에요! 지난번엔 우리 한국 문화를 홍보하는 비디오가 상을 받았는데요! 요즘 좋은 소식 또 들었어요: 저는 한국어 능력 시험 에서 4급을 받았어요 (6급 최고)! 이건 제 생일 선물 이에요? ㅋㅋ 사실 3! 점! 만! 받는다면 5급으로 될거예요 ㅠㅠ 3점만 ㅠㅠ 근데도 기뻐요😌선생님 께서도 그래셨어요 ;pp

Do you remember last time I mentioned that we won a prize in some Korean culture promotion contest? Today I've got one more exciting thing to share-I've got a Level 4 (out of 6) in my Test of Proficiency in Korean!!!! Is this my birthday present? LOLL! Actually if I got 3 MARKS MORE I would be able to get a Level 5. Only 3 marksss!!!! But I'm already happy with this, also is my Korean teacher :)


저는 런닝맨 때문에 한국어에 관심이 생겼어요. 🇰🇷한국어를 배운지 2년이 됐고 교환학생으로 영국에 갔었어요. 🇬🇧홍콩에 다시 돌아간후에 이 시험에 응시했다.🇭🇰 1년동안 한국어를 사용하지 못해서 사실 기대가 하나도 없었어요. 근데 시험을 해보니까 생각보다 너무 어렵지 않더라고요! ㅎㅎ 아, 3점만 받는다면 5급...(저를 무시하세요)ㅋㅋㅠㅠ

I started to learn Korean because of Runningman. I went to London for exchange 🇬🇧 after learning Korean for 2 years 🇰🇷 . I took the exam after coming back to Hong Kong, worrying about how the result would be coz I hadn't spoken Korean for A WHOLE YEAR. Without any expectation, I stepped into the exam room. But it turned out to be less difficult than I expected! But... if only I could get 3 more marks...(ok please ignore me) TVT


여러분 저에게 한국어 공부하기 어렵냐고 물어보면 저는 "네, 어렵다" 고 대답할 거예요. 예를 들어 "-던" VS "-았/었 던", "넘어지다" VS "쓰러지다", "-아/어서" VS "-하길래" ... 배울수록 더 쉬워젔지만 새문제 항상 생기죠 ㅋㅋㅋ 그렇지만 공부 하다보니 한국어 얼마나 재밌는지 공부하는 것 못 멈춰요 ㅋㅋ 좋은 한국 친구 있을뿐만 아니라 친절하신 선생님도 계셔서 정말 행복해요 ❤ 앞으로 더 열심히 하겠습니다! 여러분 응원해주세요:):) 글을 다 읽어주셔서 너무 감사합니다. 우리 다음에 봅시다!

If you ask me whether learning Korean is difficult, I would give you a firm YES. All the grammars, all the vocabularies, all the pronunciations... Although many of the difficulties could be overcome quickly, new problems always appear right after I've figured the last one out TVT Learning a language is challenging yet awarding, coz you'll learn not only the language itself, but also the country's culture and its people's unique way of thinking. I'm really glad to have a lot of nice friends and teachers who are always helpful:) Learning is a progress in which you will always find unexpected pleasure. I'll never stop, and wish you do the same!

This photo was taken at a Korean fashion show. Suddenly someone walked towards me and ask if I could try it out. I obeyed ;pp

不知道大家還記不記得我們上次拍的影片在韓國拿了獎? XD 這次我又有好消息要宣布了:我在韓語能力考試中取得了4級的 成績(最高6級)!!是我的生日禮物嗎?其實......我只要再拿3分就能有5級了😢 3!分!而!已!不過沒關係啦,我已經很滿意了😌

我是因為Runningman學韓文的🇰🇷。學了2年就去了倫敦交換🇬🇧 ,回到香港就考了這個試。當時我很擔心,因為有整整一年沒有說過韓文了,心裏一點底都沒有。不過進了考場,發現沒有想像中那麼難!不過......那3分呀...... TT 有考過的人肯借我3分嗎我下次考還你

如果有人問我學韓文難嗎?我會回答:難。雖然許多問題都能很快解決,但只要不停地學,就會不停地有新問題出現。有趣的是,有時候我們的問題連韓國人都要想一陣子才能回答呢XDDDD 不斷累積知識、不斷進步、不斷讓身邊的native speaker感到驚訝,這難道不是語言學習有趣的地方嗎?haha,對於自己喜歡的東西,我的追求是不會停止的。大家也要這樣哦:) P.S.最後一張照片攝於韓國某時裝展,我走著走著就有人問我能不能幫他們試一試,我同意了;pp

Please follow me @susanlo! Thanks a lot for your support! ❤️

請追蹤我 @susanlo!謝謝你的支持!❤️

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