Who Is @krnel? WhoIsWho On Steemit Is My New Way Of Curating!

Your steemit feed grows at the speed of *****. This speed is faster than yours. If you want to have a true and quick glimpse into the wealth of information on steemit however, take your time to start here: Click on @krnel to be led to his blog and surf through his blog.

Who is @krnel? We are about to find out!

image source/credit to: @krnel

Slight Intro:

Some consciousness on our part with regards to finding how much have we already have on steemit and the power it holds goes along way in the overall growth of steemit.

Perhaps, getting to know steemians will help us on this path!

While steemit still feels small; i want to get to know as many steemians as possible and share this knowledge with you! This will help me read more blogs as well; evolve as a steemian; evolve in my ability to add more value to steemit; be ever more conscious of the wealth and depth of the resources and power that steemit and steem technology holds and perhaps, help me get the ultimate privilege of have true long-lasting connections with amazing steemians, the most latter which i see as the heights of rewards on steemit. 

Thus, amongst my other posts; i will be posting a series called whois, that will cover one steemian in each post, explaining who they are!

Why i am starting with @krnel?

Well, recently i started a discord channel called SteemLab, that is aimed at refining all the research information contained into steemit into an actual solution to several big unsolved problem out that there, that plagues humanity and @krnel blog alone, contains a huge bulk of this researched info! Perhaps, the answers scientists find, that missing bit, is somewhere within his blog. 

His focus, has been clear from the inception of his steemit journey and it is evident on his blog.

I started out with scrolling through his feed, all the way down to the very beginning.

@krnel, lives, to help as much as in humanity as he can! In more refined words; "he relishes helping the world". 

His methods? Selflessly applying himself to soughting out truth, insight, new information; to help as many as possible in humanity, to reconnect with lost knowledge; to effect true change, growth, morality amongst humans and in the long run and overall; a prettier world!

We are genius. 

I will always the above to people around me, to inspire them. I would tell them the only major difference between them and any renown person on earth, however renown, is in how much they come to know themselves compared to us. 

Basically, not one soul has two heads and each soul, was made in Jehovah's image.

@krnel made this clearer in one of his posts here, where the human brain was analyzed. Each human has a brain and even in our simplest acts as; balancing a cup and changing it's angle to avoid a spill or catching a ball that has rolled off a table or balancing a bike; requires high levels of processing and predictions about the future, making each human who has the gift of a brain a physics genius.

The brain does have superpowers and @krnel talks on the brain, in many of his posts as if to make clear, that understanding that we possess this gift of a brain and identifying with its extreme powers, knowing fully its capacity; will help us be more efficient humans. Here are some his BRAIN posts:

Sherlock Holmes Helps Unlock a New Understanding of Memory

Bigger Brains - Bigger Burden or Bigger Benefit? New Study Has Answers

Growing Brains and Cracking Brain Disorders with Brain Organoids

Personality is Linked to Brain Shape Variations

Are you sapiosexual? Do you want to know?

The Origin of Parkinson's Disease Is Likely Found in the Gut, Not the Brain

@krnel likes to talk of consciousness alot, reiterating its importance in our path towards a better earth! Consciousness starts with being fully aware of who you are, reality and using your senses to the fullest. 

This is plain to see! Perhaps, superpowers of the world know us a bit more than we know are ourselves and use this data to generate decades of nonstop revenue. Look at one his posts here where he broke down; how much Facebook and Google derives from data about us that we dispense within our internet browsing habits. 

@krnel is taking a really interesting path. He is bringing about a fixing! Someone must take the mantle of fixing really! He is conscious of this responsibility, when there is the path of pure pleasure, without regard for being your brother's keeper. This is not a very easy path to take, thus, i sought to inspire him by this small means!

This, on the side; @krnel's blog appeals to me and my empty discord channel SteemLab and still un-lived steemdream of using the information found on steemit to create real world solution to unresolved problems, be it; in health, science, technology or any industry. 

He has posts like these below, which contains weighty answers! I mean, who wouldn't want steemit to be behind the cure for prostate cancer, or the creators of fungi-powered batteries or behind true milestones in real world unsolved problems!

Ocean Bacteria Treatment Kills Prostate Cancer

Bacteria-Powered Batteries - Papertronic Microbial Fuel Cell Technology

Alchemical Science Created a New Substance: Metallic Hydrogen

Virtual Reality Out-of-Body Experiences Reduce the Fear of Death

Smart Glasses Prototype Auto-Focuses on What You See

And, here is another pleasure from being on steemit. "Things you never knew about"! @krnel has many of these on his blog. I mean, you already learn by 40 percent, just scrolling through each headline on his blog; authored posts as well as resteemed!

Today I Learned: 8.7 Million Species Are on Earth, and 86% Remain Unknown

9 species have been named after... yes, Barrack Obama

Caffe2Go - Style Transfer AI Neural Network Feature Released by Facebook

Free Hugs are Illegal without a Permit! Hyper-Controlled Society and Order Followers

Monogamy is Why Humans Don't Have Literal Penis Bone(r)s Anymore

@krnel doesn't work fulltime. He steems it

He wants to apply steem technology to the fullest in his desire to make human a more conscious being. Thus, he applies himself as well to enhancing steemit by creating steemKure and becoming a steemit Witness.

I am terry and i implore you to follow @krnel. It is an interesting feat!

This my recent way of curating and hopefully inspiring the inspirers of steemit!


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