Red cannon in the Qing Dynasty 清朝红衣大炮

Hi, steemians !
Here is my entry for the landscapephotography by @juliank. This photo is about the red cannon in the Qing Dynasty. It was taken by me with the Samsung camera.

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Walk into the Lushun Museum, you can see the red cannon in the Qing Dynasty lying in the corner of the museum. The cannons are placed on the rock around the green trees, as if to tell the visitors a hundred years of history and the changes in the history .

Category : landscapephotography
Camera : Samsung Digimax i6
Location : Dalian lvshun

走进旅顺博物馆,除了能看到苍松翠柏围绕的中苏友谊纪念塔,在博物馆的一角, 还会看到这个清朝留下来的红衣大炮。 大炮安然的躺在绿树从中,好像在向参观者诉说着百年沧桑,风云变幻的历史。

My recent post here
The victory tower of Lushun - The symbol of Sino Soviet friendship 旅顺胜利塔-中苏友谊的象征
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For myself in the coming new year 致新年的自己

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