Learn Anything : Rapid skill acquisition

Learning something new is not a problem but learning something at an expert level is the problem. A normal person doing a job, just cannot find this much amount of time to learn a new skill like learning a new language, a guitar or any sports game. It becomes even more difficult for a family person having kids.

According to K. Anders Ericsson, Florida State University, It takes 10,000 hours to learn a new skill. It is almost 5 years. To get this quantitative figure of learning, he studied professional athletes. chess masters, and great musicians. His studies shows that it took them 5 years + to become professional in their field. A normal person generally cannot find this amount of time learning some new skill. 

Source : PIXBAY


According to Josh Kaufman, It just takes 20 hrs to learn something new. He is not talking about learning the skill at expertise or professional level, Just enough so he could try and do it correctly. Look at the graph, when you start learning something new, the initial process is slow because you don’t know about a thing but when you know about the basics, the learning curve becomes steep means you learn much faster and then there comes a point when the curve becomes plateau, this is where expert invest their time for competitive games. Now you need to decide where you want to go with that skill.  

Source : PIXBAY

According to Josh Kaufman, It takes only 20hrs to learn something new. You will not become an expert in 20hrs but have learnt enough to show off. There are some small things you need to do while learning a new skill  

  1. Disassemble the skill—> First of all read about the skill and break it into parts and priorities these as tasks. In this way you will know what part is important for the skill and should be focussed more.
  2. Self Correct —> Learn enough so you can practice the skill and bring some of your own changes to it. In this way you will be able to catch the deficient areas and bring them upto speed by focussing more and paying more attention to it.
  3. Remove barriers —> You must avoid any distractions that come in your way while learning. These barriers can be Internet, TV and more.
  4. Devote at least 20hrs —> In order to grab or acquisit a new skill, it is very important that you practice for at least 20hrs. 

Source : PIXBAY

Why do people don’t want to learn new skills? People are always scared of learning new skills because they think that it’s stupid to learn new skill and so don’t want give appearance of being stupid. Second is people are scared of learning new skills because they just don’t want to invest their precious time on some stupid skills knowing that they can’t become an expert on that. 

If you want to know more about Learning Skills - Watch the video by Josh Kaufman

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