What is Non-Binary Gender, Genderqueer or Genderfluid? (featuring @sykochica as author)

Attention: This post has been written by @sykochica

My last article "What is Gender" went into detail about Gender vs. Sex, Gender Identity vs. Sexual Orientation and how Gender itself is a social construct. Much of this post is built upon those key concepts, so I at least wanted to include where they were rather than 'reinvent the wheel' each post.

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First, More Definitions

Non-Binary: (i.e. not on the male or female extreme, but in the 'grey' area of the spectrum)

Nonbinary gender is an umbrella term covering any gender identity that doesn't fit within the gender binary. The label may also be used by individuals wishing to identify as falling outside of the gender binary without being any more specific about the nature of their gender


Genderqueer (GQ), also termed non-binary or gender-expansive, is a catch-all category for gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine?—?identities which are thus outside of the gender binary and cisnormativity.


Genderfluid is a gender identity which refers to a gender which varies over time. A gender fluid person may at any time identify as male, female, neutrois, or any other non-binary identity, or some combination of identities. Their gender can also vary at random or vary in response to different circumstances. Gender fluid people may also identify as multigender, non-binary and/or transgender.

For ease of communication in this post I'm going to use the umbrella term of Non-Binary, but I felt it was good to include some of the more common definitions since not everyone prefers the same terminology.
In the last few years we've been seeing some exposure of Non-Binary identified celebrities like Ruby Rose (from Orange is the New Black) and Miley Cyrus. While these are just a couple of the current figureheads, there are many others out there, some famous and some not.

For any Non-Binary person it takes tremendous courage and self-reflection to find where they fall on the Gender Identity and Expression spectrums. Some non-binary people consider themselves transgender and others do not, each person has to determine that themselves. Other considerations include whether their placement on these spectrums are more fixed versus fluid. Gender fluid individuals feel that their identity and expression change, sometimes day to day, on the scales of gender.

Ruby Rose explains her take beautifully:

“Gender fluidity is not really feeling like you’re at one end of the spectrum or the other,” she said. “For the most part, I definitely don’t identify as any gender. I’m not a guy; I don’t really feel like a woman, but obviously I was born one. So, I’m somewhere in the middle, which — in my perfect imagination — is like having the best of both sexes. I have a lot of characteristics that would normally be present in a guy and then less that would be present in a woman. But then sometimes I’ll put on a skirt — like today.”

What I see as one of the most difficult aspects for Non-Binary individuals is that they have to really search themselves, well beyond the common definitions, of who they are and how they want to represent. Myself being a transwoman, I present with what I feel to be my female self, in a female manner such as clothing choices, speech, hair, etc. Non-binary individuals have to find their own (self) acceptable standard, which is difficult in it's own right, but even tougher when dealing with society. Much of society has started to accept transgender people, but still have a hard time when seeing someone outside of the typically considered male/female dichotomy. I'm not saying everyone is being mean or hateful, more in that it still catches people's eye with it not being expected.

Society plays a large part in the feedback loop with Gender Identity and Expression. If someone who doesn't "conform" is constantly presented with negative feedback or worse things like degradation or violence, it's that much more difficult for them to continue searching for and sharing who they REALLY are.

I understand the instinctual reactions to seeing things that we aren't used to or expecting. We've all done the double take. The important thing to remember are the "vibes" we send out to them, that while unexpected, we realize that they have the courage to genuinely share who they are. Thinking beyond the gender binary (male/female) isn't something many of us think of until prompted by seeing a non-binary person in real life or in the media.

How much does anyone really know about me if I say I'm an agnostic, politically independent transwoman? Does that really give anyone an idea to my inner thoughts, ideas or a glimpse of my soul? Not really.

Just like the generic labels of religion or politics, a simple word truly doesn't express our views and thoughts. Gender is no different. We need to remember to appreciate when people are genuine and real, and use that at a springboard to truly get to know the inner person, regardless of cheap labels.

My Previous Gender Related Articles: [What is Gender?](https://steemit.com/lgbt/@knozaki2015/what-is-gender-featuring-sykochica-as-author) [Transgender: Ask Me Anything - What questions might Steemit users have but been afraid to ask?](https://steemit.com/lgbt/@sykochica/transgender-ask-me-anything-what-questions-might-steemit-users-have-but-been-afraid-to-ask) [My Intro Post: "My Transgender Journey"](https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@sykochica/my-transgender-journey) [On LGBT non-discrimination Laws Passing and Repealing in My City](https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@sykochica/introduction-and-plea-from-a-midwest-transwoman)

Additional Reading:
I'm Not Male. I'm Not Female.
10 Myths About Non-Binary People It's Time to Unlearn

Image Sources:
Beyond Gender
Non-Binary Graphic
Ruby Rose Quote
Fuck Gender Roles

Attention: This post has been written by @sykochica

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