When God Blesses you financially, Don't raise your standard of living, Raise your standard of giving.

Whenever I can, I take it off to places with less fortunate people to spread a little smiles, joy and food, not because I'm rich which I am not even remotely close to being rich but because I know how it is to be poor. I didn't come from a rich family and had to fight for survival from an early age. Yes, I was working after school since I was 12 years old.

I always remember this quote, "When God Blesses you financially, Don't raise your standard of living, Raise your standard of giving."


Performing a little magic trick everywhere I go to perhaps give a little joy, hope and sense of wonder.

Besides spreading some laughter and joy through magic tricks, I also try to give out a little food and something for everyday living. You can never even begin to imagine how bad the state of poverty is in Cambodia.

A few kilograms of rice, some salt, sugar, oil, soap and washing powder.


As much as I wish I could do more, there are so many who need help, I can perhaps make it to 5 to 10 villages who are far away from the city. The villages nearer the city are more likely to receive help from tourists and organizations but it's really the far away ones that need more help.

I hope with this post, maybe some who are better off and perhaps better able to render them more substantial help than I can, may consider doing so not only in Cambodia but many less fortunate countries.

Spread some love, joy and hope.

We are all on a journey, remember to enjoy the sights and sounds along the way, and do good as often as you can and as much as possible.


Here's a few more from that little voice in my pea-brain head ;)











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