It's Love It / Shove It time!

Oh I saw a fun challenge! Haha and because it is fun, I am joining it and I will be tagging some people too!


But first, the rules:

  • List five things that you love
  • List five things that you really dislike
  • Use the tag loveitshoveit
  • Tag as many people as you like! Originally it was just 5 people but @snowpea changed it to as many people as you'd like to tag. :D

And last but not the least, upvote and resteem this post. KIDDING! Hahaha.

So I will start my list with what I wanna shove outta here to keep it positive at the end of my post. ☺

5 Things to SHOVE away! (In no particular order.)

• Very rude people or those who don't care about the environment
Oh it just irks me when someone is rude to me for an unknown reason. I mean if you're a stranger, why show how uncaring you can be by cutting in line or something? Plus if they keep littering and spitting left and right, omg puhlease.

• Smoking
Please keep my surrounding nicotine and smoke free. Haha. I especially hate smelling like a strong cigarette smoke after going to a club/parties. Somehow the awful smell clings to me until I take a bath. Even then my hair would still smell a bit bad even after all the shampoo and hair conditioner. Ugh. Even if I put baby powder it still smells! Oh my.


(Vapes are fine because they smell good. I will vape too if I am handed or I see one otherwise I won't smoke at all. :P.)

• Cleaning
Please send a cleaning lady to me once in a while. Hahaha. Kidding. I have one already so no worries. I will gladly wash the dishes if there's any but no cleaning for moi. I'm too busy making a living! Like, well, most of the time? Lol.

• Waking up too early
5 more minutes please. Yes a few more minutes... Zzzzzz....

• Filipino movies subbed in English and shown locally
Omg I mean, Indie movies (popular or not) always have English subtitles these days even if they are shown locally in theaters. Wtf?! Other foreign countries sub their shows in English to be understood by an English audience OUTSIDE of their country but we are Filipinos living in the Philippines and they give us English subs? WTF?

Also, it would be fine if the movie's language is in a dialect like Ilocano, Bisaya etc and there are subtitles but use Filipino/Tagalog subs first and not English! Mygahd colonial mentality at it's finest.

Ugh. So anyway let's move on to the things to love.

Here's the 5 things I love!

1 CATS! ♥
I mean, who doesn't love cats? They are just so loving and cute and CUDDLY (and annoying sometimes). Lol.


Look at that cat face, so hard to take a good selfie huh! 😂

Oh don't take me to an art shop plssss or I will die and go to heaven. Or hell, depending if I have some money on me. Haha.

3 Almost anything art, fantasy or sci-fi related. ♥
Hey, I like the esoteric and metaphysics stuff too so any movie, TV series or anime and such that's supernatural is mostly gold! I'd love to include books too but I don't get to read anymore.

And because I love them so, I write reviews and such sometimes. 😁

4 Assorted NUTS!
Almond, walnut, cashew, pili nuts, pistachio, hazelnut, macadamia, oh my, the list can go on. (I am not a fan of peanuts though because it's so common and easily available. But I still eat it when I get the chance.)

5 Self Help stuff

Online articles, audiobooks, videos and sometimes books about self help are the best! I've read a lot of them already but guess what? I'm progressing too slowly as I would like. :( I still enjoy them though so nevermind how slow I am. Hahaha.

The pic above was from a company I applied for. Unfortunately since I lost my previous phone, all the important words of wisdom are gone from my grasp. Maybe I should go apply to that company again. Lol. Or not. 😂

And that's it! That was fun. How about you?

I am tagging @pinay @junebride @dyinkfinity @beeyou @apsu @leeart @paigegirl @jie28 @long888 @matytan and whoever else are following me who would like to join, come on and join too!

You can join or not, it's fine but if you do I will make sure to read (or upvote too?) as many as I can!!! :D


P.S. To be notified everytime you are mentioned or tagged by someone, click the following links and use for free! Plus, your posts get upvoted by Busy too so click any of my Busy links to join! :)


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Written by @artgirl for Steemit.
© Art x Stephanie Rue

@artgirl is a freelance artist and also a real estate agent for resort-type condo communities in Metro Manila.
For any art or property inquiries, you can chat me up on or send me a Facebook message. Link in my bio.


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