The Temptation To Go Fulltime Steemian Is HUGE! What Should I Do?

Jump Onboard The Steem Train by @azurejasper

I want to jump on board of the Steem train as the cryptoart by @azurejasper shows so beautifully!

I know this sounds crazy.

But the desire to let go of my job and to become a fulltime Steemian is HUGE!


I do not feel like I am able to give my full 100% to Steem with a joyful energy and a sharp focus because of my work.

I have changed job locations and now have to ACTUALLY do work instead of hanging out on Steemit all day.

And honestly, it annoys the HELL out of me.

Because I used to be able to spend atleast 9 hours a week on Steemit and now that is no more.

Plus I do not enjoy my work as much as I used.

I am just SO fully dedicated to making amazing things on the platform, connecting with people from all across the globe and making my little corner of the Steemiverse a good one.

My shiz is growing and becoming it's own thing and it's wonderful.

But I feel that spending 30 hours a week at a job is just not fulfilling me or this mission whatsoever.

In theory,

I could do it.

I could let go of my job and just fully dedicate my time to Steemit and being the best Steemian I can be.

Especially now with the price of Steem soaring way up into the atmosphere.

But of course, it is still a risk.

A risk I think is worth taking.

But a risk nonetheless.

What do you say Steemit friends?
What are your ideas on this?
Do you think I should do it?

Please tell me your thoughts

BIG love,


Steemit Ashley Kalila.png

Sharing Authentically.png


My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!

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