How To Be With Your Emotions Without Letting Them Control You..

How To Be With Your Emotions Without Letting Them Control You..

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Today Im feeling. Feeling anything that desires to come up. I've had a lot of feelings decide to show themselves to me today. One of the reasons for this is because I asked for the situations I haven't healed yet to be shown. Its beautiful when you can really sit with the feelings and not "try" to make them go away or make yourself "wrong" for feeling a certain way. These feelings are showing up because I'm human and they are ready to be acknowledge, looked at and released. All of our feelings just want a place inside of us and for them to be shown love. Love your feelings. Every last one of them. They are you and to Wholey love yourself, you get to look at every piece of yourself and love it all. Its all beautiful.

It's about witnessing these feeling, and feeling the emotion, without being the emotion. Yeah, I may feel sad, or feel mad, feel happy, feel excited, but do I want to BE mad, BE sad, Be Happy, Be Excited. Some people can see this as a little contradiction. There are a lot of people who think they must be happy at all times to live an extraordinary life. Well if thats the case I must say that your emotions are going to get the best of you if you desire to BE happy all the time. Maybe its possible, but there are so many emotions that flow on through us everyday all day, and the happy emotion is not one that we must stay in all day, or we will lose sight of what happiness even is, because it has become our natural state of being. You wouldn't want to Be mad all the time, so why would you want to Be happy all the time.

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Our natural state of being is NEUTRAL.. It is a content feeling. Maybe not even a feeling, its an awareness of what is right now. So instead of trying to feel a certain way, allow your feelings to come up and be released and then go when they desire to. If you FEEL sad, CRY. If You FEEL Mad, release it in a conscious way of being (which could be cooling down for a little before having the conversation or it could be writing about the situation, or in a sense it could be blowing up but the only reason a blow up ever happens is because this feeling wasn't acknowledged and looked at in the first place and you have been avoiding it and then one day it goes BAM! If you FEEL happy, feel happy and express it. Our emotions want to be expressed, not suppressed. Allow them to do as they please, without becoming the emotion.

There is a quote from one of my most interesting favorite movies, "Heart Of A Dog" and it says "You should learn how to feel sad without actually being sad. Which is actually really hard to do. To feel sad, without actually being sad."

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This quote has changed my life, and I hope it will yours as well and help you connect and love your emotions, without actually becoming them.

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