The Mysteries Of The Universe... Is Any Of It Real?

I Wonder

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Is it all fake I wonder
This Life That I See
Am I just creating it with the eyes within me
All these people around me
All these animals
the cars
Is it really here?
Or is it just something that appears because I am the one that was created
and with my creation
something else must be made
I can’t be alone in this universe
But then again, Can I?
I know I am not the only one reading this
but is it you, that is me, that I have created to witness this writing
Are you just another version of me inside of my brain?
If my physical reality is the densest part of my reality,
then what if none of it is actually here and it’s all just a manifestation
of what I am creating inside me
What if it all just disappeared?
Then what?
Would I remember?
Would I know?
Would it matter?
I see a Horse, but is she really there?

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