You must DIE to FLY

I'm going to show you how to kill yourself.

And I'm not talking physical death…

I'm talking about killing the part of your persona that is no longer useful for you.


The part of you that is holding you back from living the life that you know you're ready to live.

Here's the thing, we live and die many times in a lifetime.

Some of us die more than others because we are willing to change and change oftentimes requires a shift in who we are on a visceral level.

Whether that shift is physical, mental, emotional, sexual, or spiritual - it is a re-identification of who we are.

If we want to truly make a change in our life, the fact is that there is an exchange that must happen in order for us to truly embrace a new life, or a new reality.

An exchange of identity.

That change requires us to let go of the parts of ourself that we are afraid to let go of.

It's purely fear.

Fear is what holds us in a place of stagnancy.

It's the reason for why we don't change

It's the reason for why we don't take major risks in our life.

It's the reason why we would ever choose to not live the best life possible.

And so, when you do face fears, when you do embrace the parts of yourself that are vulnerable - and more likely than not - at odds with the world...

When you confront those parts of yourself head on and choose to let go of the parts that no longer serve you…

… it feels a lot like death.

It feels a lot like you are plummeting into a void that you may never get out of.

But from life experience, time and time again, I will tell you this:

You will always get out of it.

And you won't just get out of it… you will THRIVE and go far beyond it.

You will go places that you could have not have even imagined had you stayed where you were at.

One of my favorite quotes is, “leap and the net will appear.”


I think this is just such an accurately portrayed statement.

If we want to truly change in our lives, the exchange that life requires is a total commitment to who we are choosing to become.

That commitment feels a lot like jumping off a cliff without knowing for certain if we will FLY... or DIE.

It does feel like we are almost choosing to die... and in a metaphorical sense, we absolutely are.

When you leap you are literally saying, “Universe, I no longer wish to live this way and I'm willing to risk all that I am in exchange for who I know I am meant to be.”

That's a powerful statement right there.

"I'm willing to risk ALL THAT I AM in exchange for who I know I AM MEANT TO BE.”

It requires a lot of guts to get to that point where you can literally say, “I am ready to do whatever it takes to be the person I know I was born to be.”

Living small is just not worth it in the end.

It's stressful to let go of everything you are... but it is far more stressful to live a life that is unlived.

I promise you this…

You will suffer far greater living small than you ever will living up to your greatest self.

And the exchange is always fear.

The exchange is always a death of self.

When you embrace this, when you truly are ready to say, “now is the time, I’m letting go.”

That's the moment when you will discover who you really are and what you are truly capable of.

So how do you let go?

How do you truly jump off that cliff?


It's simple really…

Follow the fear.

I know where I need to go when I discover what scares the shit out of me.

I also know where I want to go when I feel a sense of excitement that is mixed in with the fear.

I call this the Cocktail of Life.

When you mix fear and excitement together, what you get is something that's magical, something that will change your life forever.

That is, if you choose to embrace it.

So what is it that truly excites you but also scares the living crap out of you?

What is it?

Think about that for a moment...

What is that thing?

When you identify what that is - go for it.

Don't hesitate, just do it.

That is the light at the end of the tunnel.


It may be dark along the way, but I promise you that you will find the way.

When you let go of you, you will find the greater version of you.

That's where the power is at, my friend.

All fear is illusion, walk straight ahead!

"Reincarnation is not something that occurs at death; it is something that takes place at every moment. Death and rebirth are occurring every second." ~ frederick lenz

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