Chillin' and Red Pillin' (All Information is Declassified for Your Consumption)

Down the Rabbit Hole we go! Just when you think life can't get weirder it does. Friday the 13th basically World War 3 was announced although haven't we already been in it since 2001? just my two pesos

In my First Red Pill Series, I talk about the release of information regarding some rather "trippy" things that are done in warfare and how tax dollars are spent. What better way to spend tax dollars then to see if you can make death rays, psychic warfare and the manipulation of energy for good OR bad? What if the slow drops of information in MSM and shows like X-Files were a bit closer to the truth then we'd ever care to know. Everything about conditioning is to do it in PLAIN SIGHT. Tell-A-Vision anybody? ;)

I am dropping a few pages of interesting information for those who want to know how deep the Rabbit Hole goes. The "Black Budget" of trillions of dollars goes into places that some dare to tread into.... The Movie, "The Men Who Stared At Goats" was based on a lot of what is contained in these Open, Legal, documents.... exercising my rights before those continue to be dismantled as well then I'm going to Exercise another legal right of doing target practice (joking, make love not war!) ;)

I tried 5 ways to capture the images to not be PDF files or to be connected to the "Library" but all failed, so am gonna just leave the link to the Declassified Docs up here, it is up to YOU to enter the library or Not.

If this post isn't your cup of Absinthe then check out some other ones kickin'

(imgur,opensourcedeclassifiedcialibraryforyourrighttoknowstuff, free thought project, have a nice day!)

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